Master Is Watching

Then Lan Xiang started enquiring about the energy gathering and energy accumulating training which he has prepared for his son by using which he can use all the energies provided from the nature in his body to which his martial arts can improve to some levels.

It can also be said that the training which Lan Xiang is giving his son is meant to make his son a great martial artist which the world has never seen before.

When asked the training from his father Lan Yue said that, "Father I have been practicing all the methods which you have suggested me and my body can feel that the energy is being coming to my body very well and I have improved to some level. But there is still something which is bothering me."

After seeing and hearing his son's worries Lan Xiang asked him, "What is it my son ? What's been bothering you ? You can tell your father about it."

After seeing his father's care and affection towards him and his concerns Lan Yue said, "Father there are two things which are bothering me. First thing is the training which you have given I have almost practiced and learned most of the moves but there are some moves which I can't understand till now and master them properly. And secondly the thing which is a concerning topic for me is A'Xin."

Lan Xiang heard his son's worries and he can relate to the first concern but he couldn't understand what is there with A'Xin for which his son was worried."

To get this answer he said to his son, "Tell me what is there about A'Xin which is bothering you. I might help you in some might."

Then Lan Yue told about his plan that he had prepared for A'Xin to his father and after hearing his son's plan Lan Xiang made a very thoughtful face and tried to understand the plan his son made and after understanding his son's entire plan he just patted on Lan Yue's back and told him, "My son what you are about to do is a very good deed. So don't think about any worries and just move forward with it. And always remember one thing never have a second thought on any action and thought which you would have in your life. Always do the thing which you have decided to do. Because the moment you have a second thought about it you will waver and can never do the thing which you want to do. So just do it as you are doing the right thing."

After hearing his father's assurance Lan Yue said, "Thank you so much father. After talking to you about this concern now I know that I will not back out from my plan and do the thing which I have planned for my friends sake."

After hearing his son's determination Lan Xiang was very happy and told him, "Very well son. Now that one your worries have been solved let's concentrate on your first worry. Tell which moves are being difficult for you to understand."

Then Lan Yue told his father that he have faced the problems in the moves numbered 7,8,9 and 10.

After hearing the moves numbers Lan Xiang was very impressed that his son has progressed up to move number 6 in a very short time because it takes much time for someone to reach up to move number 6 for about six months if that person have practiced every day.

But his son had made that much progress in just two weeks and from this rate of progress Lan Xiang became certain that his son is genius in the field of martial arts or he can also be considered as a prodigy. He was really happy with his son's martial arts progress.

Then he thought about a way through which he can help his son to master the remaining moves so that his son's martial arts can improve up to level 9.

The place the father and son duo were practicing not far away from there a small waterfall was flowing. The sound of the waterfall and the natural environment of the mountain is making the place where the waterfall was present very beautiful and breathtaking which anyone who would pass by there would stop for a moment to admire the scenery with an awe.

Then hearing the water sound Lan Xiang thought about his master when he was also got some troubles in advancing his own martial arts his master gave him a great advice which helped him with his progress.

Lan Xiang remembered his master's words and took his son to the waterfall and told his son look at the waterfall. At his father who is also his master told him to look at the waterfall.

Then Lan Xiang told his son cum student that,

Lan Xiang : "Yue'er can you see that small rock in the path of the waterfall."

Lan Yue : "Yes father I can see that rock."

Lan Xiang : "You know that a rock is more powerful than the water right.

Lan Yue : "Yes father."

Lan Xiang : "It is true the rock is strong but the water is more strong than the rock because the water is slowly and steadily destroying the rock from its root core and in due time that rock will be destroyed completely."

Lan Yue looked at the waterfall and rock with a curious look and started to observe what his father said and looked very carefully to the rock and found some cracks at the bottom of the rock.

With observing such thing looked at his father to ask something but then his father again said something, "Look at the bamboo trees and other trees here which is being bent down by the strong flow of wind."

All these things which Lan Yue has seen in his everyday life like normal thing started became more fascinating to him.

Then he asked his about the meaning of these thing to which he replied, "My son the nature is very unpredictable and strong. We can not anticipate what will happen at any second in the nature but this unpredictable quality is what makes nature the best teacher for martial arts. This nature is what which will provide the solution to your problem. You have to learn from nature about this and make your own moves based on this which will help you to create your own final four moves for your progress."

"These moves will help you harness your connection with nature and you can get many energies from nature."

Hearing these things from his father Lan Yue asked him that from where he learnt about these things to which Lan Xiang replied that he learnt it from his master and looked up to the asked and said, "I am sure my master is watching is us now."


Author's Note

Hello everyone first of all I really want to apologize to you all as I have not posted any new chapters past few days and it is all my fault and I am really really very very sorry but I promise from today onwards I will post chapters on regular basis and I really hope you all enjoy it.