Sweetest Dinner Time

After hearing her husbands enquiries about the dinner Zhen Lu showed him all the dishes she has already prepared and also the dishes she is going to prepare for the dinner. She was preparing the favourite dishes of both her husband and son which was fried chicken, noodles, boiled vegetables, boiled eggs and fried rice.

Seeing their favourite dishes both Lan Xiang and Lan Yue were very happy and after their training they also wanted to eat. But when they tried to take something to eat Zhen Lu stopped them and put a condition to them which is, "If you want to eat these dishes then both you will have to help me in preparing the dishes."

After hearing the condition of Zhen Lu, both Lan Yue and Lan Xiang looked towards each other and thought for sometimes then Lan Xiang called his son to the side while maintaining some distance between them and his wife and talked something between them.

Then after talking for a few seconds they both nodded their heads and then came back to kitchen where Zhen Lu was watching them eagerly. Lan Xiang looked at his wife and smiled a little and then said,

Lan Xiang : "Since you are not allowing us to eat the dinner without fulfilling your condition, we have decided that tonight we will have our dinner at the noodles shop."

Zhen Lu : "Really you want to go out to eat at the noodles shop and you will not eat the dishes which I have been preparing for you two."

Lan Xiang : "Yes you heard it right we the 'Father - Son committee' have decided to do that."

Zhen Lu : "what committee you say, 'Father - Son Committee', when this committee was formed and what is this committee ?"

Lan Xiang : "The committee has been created just now while we're discussing and in this committee our joint decision will made where in any matter the both of us required to participate."

Zhen Lu : " Yue'er are you also in this with your father ?"

Lan Yue : "Yes mother I am with father in this matter and committee."

After hearing her husband and sons talk Zhen Lu was sad because they were saying that they will not eat her food rather they would eat outside.

After seeing the saddened face of Zhen Lu both Lan Xiang and Lan Yue started to laugh which caused a surge of surprised reaction in Zhen Lu's both mind and face which is clearly evident on her face.

After having her surprised look on her face Zhen Lu then give a face which showed a lot of questions in them and then asked them about what is going on ?

To which Lan Xiang replied till having a soft smile on his face. He said,

Lan Xiang : "It was all my and Yue'er's plan to tease you a little. And all the expressions on your says that our plan has worked greatly and we were successful in it."

Then after hearing about the plan of her husband and son to tease her Zhen Lu sighed and then gave and angry look to them and after seeing her angry look both of them apologised to her quickly.

Then they also agreed to help her in making the dinner and then both of them got freshen up and started to help Zhen Lu in making the dinner.

There was not much to prepare but still the father and son duo prepared the rest of the dinner and told Zhen Lu to take rest for a moment as they both will prepare the rest of the dinner by themselves.

At around 8.30 pm they have completed the dinner and called Zhen Lu to dinning table to take the dinner. When she entered the dinning room she saw that the father and son have prepared all the dinner and they also have cleaned the kitchen also. Then they told her to sit on the chair and they will bring the food to dinner table and also they will serve the dinner.

Zhen Lu did what her husband and son told her to do and in a few minutes they have brought all the food and placed the food on the dinner table and then they started to serve the food first on Zhen Lu's plate then they got the food on their plates and then they also sat on the chair to have their dinner.

Then they asked Zhen Lu about the taste of the food which the father and son duo have prepared to which she tasted the food and said that the food is really good as she knew that her husband is a really good cook and the food he has with the help of their son is really tasty.

The taste of the food was very delicious not just because of the ingredients and how spice ls which were used to prepare the food but also it has the love of her husband and son towards her which is making the food really very delicious.

Watching all the love and care her husband and son had for her madd Zhen Lu a little teary eyed which was noticed by Lan Yue and he asked his mother as to why she was crying to which she replied that it is tears of joy not the tears of sadness and the dinner they are having right now is most sweetest dinner time of her life.

Hearing that Zhen Lu is happy with their work both the father and son were also happy and they also enjoyed their dinner. After completing their dinner the father and son did not let Zhen Lu to wash and clean the plates instead they said that they will do it and also told her to go her room and just be prepared to go to the bed to sleep.

Then after hearing her husband and son Zhen Lu did not question them or ask any further and she went straight to her room then the father and son started to clean all the plates and bowls and rafter cleaning everything they also went to their respective rooms to have their share of night's sleep.