The First Elemental Move - Water Dash Part - 2

Lan Yue was watching the waterfall and the movement of the water falling from the top of the waterfall towards the stream which it had formed. There he observed all the details and the precise movement of water in all type of conditions and directions

The easily fall from the top like it was coming to its home after finishing a whole day of work to take a break for its life for the day. But the most important thing which made him the most intrigued is the water in its full potential to overcome a burden.

This burden was nothing but the sudden appearance of a rock which tried to stop the water from moving past it. The rock is known to be a hard object which is not so easy to break. The water being a liquid substance can not break it, and as it went by the rock stopped the water.

Lan Yue was observing each and every detail which was being presented in front of him. This natural presentation gave Lan Yue a certain type of feeling which was beyond the human descriptive words.

Lan Yue felt that the water was talking to him to teach him how one person's life is going on everyday without having any kind of thinking other that how his or her should go. The water was showing him how our lives go on everyday when we don't have any kind of problem and only have happiness in our lives.

The water also showed him that when we face some problems of any kind of hardships we tend to give up quickly or started to feel that our life have taken a cruel turn on us and have given us a very dangerous nightmare which we can't forget.

Lan Yue was a very intelligent boy so he connected all the sites that the water was giving and he compared it with his everyday life and all the people who were around him. The movement of water, the falling if water, the water going along the slope easily and the rock finally appearing in front of the goal of he water to stop it from achieving it.

All these things made Lan Yue wonder how nature has been giving or showing us our life in any form possible. All the other things which Lan Yue had seen from the water as it showed to him, he had connected those things to his martial arts technique.

One thing which had him the most concerned was the the rock which has stopped the movement of water or deviated the water from its actual path. He just couldn't figure out what he can do about as he just couldn't connect this with his martial arts.

But one thing Lan Yue doesn't know that he was not the only person who was watching all this. The black clothed man was also watching everything from afar and me kind of understood what problem Lan Yue is facing.

He had the solution for the problem of Lan Yue but he wanted to see what Lan Yue was really capable of. He wanted to know whether or not he was capable of solving this problem on his own or not.

In the meantime Lan Yue was observing the the confrontation if water and rock and while looking at this situation he observed something which just opened his eyes and mind.

He saw a crack. Yes, it is true he saw a crack on the body of the rock which was letting some water to pass through it and not just it but the crack was gradually and slowly getting bigger and bigger.

Watching this he started to comprehend the situation that has been unfolded in front of his eyes. He came to a realisation that the rock was there for a very long time and water was hitting the rock for that much of time but the force with which the water has been hitting the rock is really not so weak as it was the water which is coming directly from the top of the waterfall.

With that much of forceful the water was able to break through the rock which in turn allowed the water to pass through it. This realisation made Lan Yue understand that this is the way through which his attack can break his opponents defence.

With this he finally connected all the dots which he required for completing his move and he is really very happy about it. And this thing did not left out by the black clothed mans observation. He was really impressed by the presence of mind of Lan Yue.

Then Lan Yue started to practice this new of his alone near the waterfall and the black clothed man also observed this.

Lan Yue was really practicing hard to complete his move but he was still lacking at some place which even he could not understand why it is happening.

At first after completely understanding the water he thought he could make his move but in reality all this thoughts went to vein as nothing was going according to his thinking. This made him more confused. He tried everything at his disposal but still he couldn't make the breakthrough.

The black clothed man who was silently observing all this situation was able to deduce the problem Lan Yue was facing and he apparently found the solution for it. He understood that Lan Yue was not able to configure the the part that was stopping him from completing his move.

Then he decided to help him. So he took a piece of paper which he had and wrote something on it and flew it towards Lan Yue using his air which he gave through his mouth.

The paper then easily flew towards Lan Yue and at that time he was practicing hard for the move. The paper then landed on his hand which was in the punch posture.

He saw the paper with a surprised look on his face. Then he took the paper and started to read the contents written in it. This made him really surprised and he looked in every direction to find the source from where the paper came from but how much hard he tried he could not find the source from where the paper the came from.

Then he stared at the paper and started to read the contents of the paper very mindfully. The contents of the paper were,

"What you are trying to find is not somewhere else rather it was within you and you just have to get that. You have make yourself completely like water and embrace yourself as if you are water yourself. You have to make yourself one with the nature and the element that you want to use. And the most important thing if you want to use the element with full potential unlocked then you have to find an organism associated with the element and make it completely absorbed in your move. That is the secret to use the elemental moves. You have to make yourself one with nature and the element and you have to add the animalistic instinct in yourself. This is the secret behind the natural moves."

Reading all of this threw Lan Yue in deep thinking and with all the knowledge now at his hands, he started to comprehend them so that he can perfect his move. But after he read the last line he saw a small message was given for him which was, "Lan Yue remember what I have told you today as this will help you a lot and also don't tell your father about this and don't show him this paper as this is not the appropriate time. When time comes I will tell you to show him the paper and I will also reveal myself in front of both of you."

This made Lan Yue a little sceptical as to if he should listen to the person who send the paper or not. But for the time being he thought to hide the thing from his father. Then after understanding all the context of the paper he thought of some animals associated with water.