The Secret

Even if Lan Xiang has anticipated his that his son would use the same move as before but what welcomed him from his son had taken him completely aback.

Lan Yue's attack had completely shocked everyone present at that moment to witness the fight between the father and the son.

They never had that slightest of wildest idea in their wildest dream that there would be such time where Lan Xiang who is the number one martial artist of their village will be punched on his face and will be thrown down to the ground.

Yes, Lan Yue had punched and thrown his father to ground with one of his new moves.

Watching this Lan Xiang thought that his son had learned two moves at the same with both the moves completely different from each other.

Both the moves of Lan Yue had the difference of their very core nature and attacking form.

These two attacks were born from the same natural element. Yes they both were formed and created from the water element but they both portrayed different nature of water.

The first variant of the move was just like the calm, soothing and caring side of the water element.

Whereas the second the variant of the move has the form of water is more aggressive, powerful and destructive.

The first move variant was created to be more of a defensive move and on the other hand the second variant is more of a attacking move.

And this sudden attack from his son's move had completely taken Lan Xiang with great surprise and also a real proud for his son and student.

At that moment he could not describe his emotions that he was feeling alone.

The black robed man who was there from the very beginning of their training and fight looked really surprised and gave smirk as he noted something in his mind.

He then decided to observe all of them for some more time.

Back to the fight ground, Lan Xiang woke up from the ground and stood up in front of his son.

He then walked close to his son and asked him something.

Lan Xiang : "Son the moves that you have used just now both of them were quite awesome and amazing."

Lan Yue : "Thank you father for your praise. It is all possible thanks to you and your training."

Yes at that moment Lan Yue didn't reveal about the mysterious person and the note that he received from that person.

Then Lan Xiang looked at his son with a curious look on his and stared at his son for sometimes.

After staring for sometimes he couldn't hold back his curiosity and decided to ask him about his methods using which he learned both the moves.

He also wanted to ask him about his inspiration from which he used his moves, as the formations and body movements which he used was not the moves they usually use in martial arts.

As he has already decided to ask his son about his move and to quell all his burning questions. So he asked his son about it.

Lan Xiang: "Yue'er, I am curios about something, so can you answer my few questions."

Lan Yue: "Sure father you can ask me anything and if I can answer it I will answer all your questions."

Lan Xiang: "Yue'er can you tell me all about your training and inspiration fir creating all your moves, which you have learned and displayed here."

Lan Yue: "Sure father, I will answer this question of yours. The main element from which I have based or you can say created my move is the water element of the nature."

Lan Yue: "Then as per the inspiration from whom I have taken inspiration to create all attacking stances, defensive and attacking moves are all inspired from the water element and all the aquatic creatures. As I have studied all of their movements and then I have incorporated all that movements in my move."

Lan Xiang: "Oh, okay I see. So have taken the inspiration from water element and all the aquatic creatures. This is really great son. You are finally able to communicate with the elements of nature.".

Lan Yue: "What do you mean by communicating with the nature, father?"

Lan Xiang: "This is the secret of our martial arts, which I have learned from my master."

Lan Xiang: "In the ancient times the old martial artist masters have used a method to communicate and incorporate the natural elements in their fighting styles which have made them invincible."

Lan Xiang: "My master was one of the few martial artists who hade achieved this kind of feat. And he also wanted to pass down his this knowledge to me but I was not able to learn it."

Lan Xiang: "After my master I have met many martial arts fighter and masters but they also don't have this particular knowledge of communicating with the natural elements. And now in the present time I have only seen you my son who is now able to achieve this kind of feat."

Lan Xiang: "My son you have made me proud for doing something which I can't do in time and for this thing I always had a big regret in both my mind and heart."

Lan Xiang: "But now son you have done it and you also have lessened that regret from me and I just now wish that my master would have been around here to see this and would also be very proud of you."

Lan Yue: "Thank you so much for your praise. I am really happy and honoured to be able help you lift up the regret that you have. Although I have used water element in my martial arts but I am still not able to master these two moves but I promise to you that I will master these two moves and all the elemental moves in the future and I will become a great martial artist just like you."

Lan Xiang: "I know son and I am really proud of you and happy that you completed my long wish. I also know that you will become a martial artist who will surpass me and also can reach greater heights in the world of martial arts."

All the other who were standing at that location and were looking at the father and son were really shocked and puzzled at the same time.

Yes, there were eight people present at that location at that time other that the father and son.

These eight people were Lan Yue and A'Xin's friends including A'Xin herself and the mysterious black robed man.

The black robed man thought in his mind that, "Lan Xiang you don't know who Lan Yue your son truly is. And if you come to know about his secret you will be really shocked down to the very core of your soul and bones."

Having this kind of thinking of the black robed man one thing is certain that the mysterious man knew sone secrets of Lan Yue which his own mother, father, friends and village people don't know.

After observing all these things and noting that there is nothing more for him to observe he left that place in a blink of eye like wind.

After that the rest of the seven people excluding Lan Yue and his father didn't know what to say about the situation which has unfolded in front of their own eyes and what they have heard with own ears.

All these things were beyond their comprehension and they couldn't believe these things.

At that time there was only one person other than the father and son who had a bright smile on her beautiful face.

Yes, she is none other than A'Xin, Lan Yue's best friend and neighbor.

She has a bright smile on her face and thought something that made her smile more bright.

She thought that, "Lan Yue is really great at everything that he does. And now his martial arts prowess are also very great. He has also defeated uncle Xiang and also working hard to achieve uncle Xiang's life long dream."

They all had a pin drop silence in between them. Deciding to break this silence to speak about all that thing that he had witnessed in front of Sito Ran started to speak.

Sito Ran : "What is this? I didn't knew my friend is a prodigy and genius in martial arts who have defeated uncle Xiang."

Sito Ran: "This is just crazy. Lan Yue is really awesome and from now on I have decided that he will be my big brother for life. He is really strong and powerful and really awesome. He really can do anything he takes in to his hands."

Hearing the words of Sito Ran the others came out of their reverie and they also had same thing going on their minds. They heard everything that Sito Ran said nodded in agreement with his statement that Lan Yue is indeed really a genius and prodigy in martial arts and can do anything.