The Dinner Part - 1

The three family members of the Lan household were happily enjoying their quality time with each other with all smiling faces.

Then after having some really nice conversation Zhen Lu went back to kitchen and began her preparation for the nights dinner.

As they were going to have some special guests for the nights dinner Zhen Lu decided to make something really good for all of them.

So for that she went through her entire kitchen and searched what vegetables, meats and ingredients she had for the menu.

She found that she doesn't have chicken with her. So she asked her husband to bring chicken from the market.

After hearing his wife's wish Lan Xiang went to the village market to get some fresh chicken for his wife.

While Lan Xiang went to tge market and Zhen Lu was busy with her preparations, Lan Yue thought to go out to the garden and give water to the plants in their garden.

With that thought Lan Yue headed to their store room to bring out the watering can. After bringing the watering can from the store room, he went to the kitchen to fill it up.

When Zhen Lu saw her son is carrying the watering can in his hands, she asked him about it.

Zhen Lu: "Yue'er why have you brought the watering can with you?"

Lan Yue: "Mother I want to water the plants in our garden. So I have brought the watering can with me."

Zhen Lu: "It is a very good idea Yue'er, go ahead and fill the can from the wash basin."

After hearing his mother's words Lan Yue went straight to the wash basin and opened the watering can and then he opened the tap of the basin and filled the watering can.

After filling it he went straight towards their garden and started watering all the plants in their garden.

Lan Yue was enjoying a really good quality time of his life alone while watering the plants.

As he was wateringvthe plant a sudden thought came into his mind.

Then he quickly finished watering the plants and head straight to his home and then he put the watering can inside the store room.

Then he went straight for their homes landlines phone and then he picked it up and called all his friends one by one and told them to meet him at their schools gym tomorrow at the lunch time.

Alm of his friends and agreed and they also asked him about the reason and Lan Yue just told them that he will tell them in person and he also told them not to tell about their tomorrow's meeting to A'Xin and her friends.

At first when they all heard about Lan Yue's words they couldn't understand it, but then they all agreed to it as they all know Lan Yue will not do anything wrong.

After he talked with all of his friends, Lan Yue went to the kitchen with the purpose to help his mother.

When entered the kitchen his mother preparing the some dishes.

When Zhen Lu saw her son, she asked him why he was here and Lan Yue honestly answered her question saying he wants to her in making the dinner.

Hearing her son's thoughtfulness Zhen Lu was really happy and she agreed to let him help her with the cooking.

Then Zhen Lu asked her son to cut sone vegetables for the soup she was preparing for the dinner.

As per his mother's wish he brought all the vegetables his mother has prepared and started to cut them.

After a while he cut down all the vegetables and when his mother saw that he was done cutting the vegetables, she asked him to boil the water for the rice.

Then Lan Yue took the dish in which rice is to be cooked and then filled it with water and then placed the dish on top the flame of the gas stove.

Then his mother told him to look out for the water to be boiled properly and then put the rice in it.

He complied to his mother's wish and waited for a few minutes and when the water is boiled enough he put the rice in it.

While the mother and son were preparingbthe dinner, Lan Xiang who went to buy chicken from the market had purchased good quantity of chicken and was returning from the market to his home.

Then he realized that he should visit chief Wang and invite him personally for the dinner.

So he went to the village welfare centre to meet with chief Wang.

He soon arrived in front of the village welfare centre and there he saw four strangers coming out of the centre.

Lan Xiang seems to be puzzles by the sudden appearance of the strangers out of village welfare centre.

Although it is not new for strangers to visit Jiang village but they all visit during the village annual festivals.

No strangers comes before that. So it was quite strange for Lan Xiang to see some strangers at this time of the year visit their village.

Although it would be no surprise for their visit but what made it more suspicious that these have never been to their village and they are coming out of the village welfare centre.

Yes, Lan Xiang became suspicious of these strangers because they have serious expression on their faces and two of the strangers have some cut marks on their faces just below the eyes.

As Lan Xiang is a martial artist he observed and studied these minut details which made him suspicious of these strangers as they were not giving any kind good and positive vibes from them.

With these thinks in his mind he decided that he will confront chief Wang about all these things.

Then he moved towards the office of chief Wang and knocked on his office doors. From the inside chief Wang asked who is it and Lan Xiang answered that it is him.

After knowing that it is Lan Xiang who is at the door chief Wang asked him to come in.

Then Lan Xiang entered his office and seeing Lan Xiang, chief Wang gave a smile to him and asked him to take the sit placed in front of him. Then Lan Xiang sit down on their chair and looked at chief Wang.

Lan Xiang began to observe the facial expression, body language and behavior of chief Wang.

He observed that although chief Wang is trying is best to look calm, compose and is not showing any kind of tension and problems on his face and in his behavior.

But Lan Xiang knew that something is wrong and all his senses were screaming to him that there is a bigger problem that chief Wang is unable to solve and is really worried about it.

After staying silent for few seconds Lan Xiang started to talk first and he decided to approach this matter slowly.

So he first Saud the reason because of which he was inside chief Wang's office.

He told him about the dinner invitation that he had given to A'Xin for both of them. At first chief Wang tried to deny it but Lan Xiang persuaded him and he agreed for the dinner invitation.

Then Lan Xiang really wanted to ask about the situation currently chief Wang was facing but he thought that the place and situation in not much appropriate for it.

So he decided to drop that idea and instead he asked him the preparation of the village festival.

Chief Wang told him that everything going on very smoothly and he also told him that he is expecting that this year's festival will be more enjoyable and memorable for all of them.

Hearing this Lan Xiang showed a genuine smile and prayed that the festival will be a success without any problem.

After that both of them talked about their village, it's people and their own families.

Then Lan Xiang took his leave and left for his home because his wife is waiting for him at his home for the chicken so that she can make a dish from the chicken.

After Lan Xiang left the office chief Wang went towards his office door and locked it from the inside.

Then he came back to his sit and sat on it and looked at a certain file which is placed on his desk.

Then he took it up from his desk opened the file and started to read the contents written in it.

After reading the entire file chief Wang become more furious and threw the file to the ground.

It can be said that the file contained something that is not very pleasing for chief Wang and that made him so furious.

Exactly what is written in the file?

Back to the other side of the story.

After walking for sometimes Lan Xiang reached his home and rang the door bell and Lan Yue opened the door.


Author's Note

Hello everyone, author here. I have been thinking about the progression of the story and I do have some ideas worked out. So for those ideas to work out properly I have decided to adjust ages of some villains of the story. Hope you all like the ideas that I have.

Thank you.