The Morning

After having a passionate night with each other the previous night, the couple of Lan Xiang and Zhen Lu got transported into the world of dreams with the help of the vehicle called sleep while holding each other in a tight embrace.

The night was really beautiful for them as they have each other to lean on each other's arms.

Then at that night Zhen Lu saw a very beautiful dream which showed her that she was spending happy times with her entire family made up of her husband Lan Xiang and her son Lan Yue.

In that dream they were in a garden full of some many beautiful flowers and in the middle of that garden the three of them were sitting on a mat with so many food items placed in front of them.

The three of them were surrounded by the beautiful flowers while they were spending some greate time in each other's presence in that flower garden.

Then Lan Xiang and Lan Yue got up from the mat and went out in the flower garden and stood in front of each other with some distance in between them.

Then they both started play catch with a baseball ball with each other while enjoying the quality time with one another.

Seeing the father and son playing happily with each other Zhen Lu smiled happily seeing her family spending their time together.

Then Zhen Lu started to explore the beautiful flower garden using her beautiful eyes that were just admiring the beauty of the flowers while she was sitting on the mat.

While she was exploring the garden she saw that in a far away distance a man was standing with his entire body covered in black clothes.

Zhen Lu tried to look out for that man, so she stood up on the mat and looked at direction where she has seen the man while sitting but now when looked there she saw no one was there as if there was no one to begin with.

This made her a little confused with the disappearance of that man. Then Lan Xiang called her and she looked at her husband who told her, "My dear wife let's go and enjoy the garden with Yue'er."

Then hearing her husband she just smiled and ans went over towards her husband and son and holding her husband's and son's hand with her being in the middle of both of her husband and son.

Then the three of them smiled and laughed with each other while roaming and exploring in the flower garden.

All while she was having the beautiful dream while sleeping peacefully in her husband's arms a beautiful smile formed on Zhen Lu's face which her husband Lan Xiang has seen.

Seeing her smiling like that Lan Xiang just smiled while looking at her.

Yes Lan Xiang has already got up from his sleep because he was unable to sleep due to all the things that Chief Wang had told him that just rebounded in his head all the time

He just can't ignore and take out all the things out of his head that easily and this made him unable to sleep properly. So he just opened his eyes while embracing his wife in his arms who was sleeping peacefully.

At this moment the time was 4:30 pm which is still very early in the morning. As Lan Xiang hadn't slept so he was awake hut his wife was sleeping so he couldn't go out of the bed as this will wake up Zhen Lu, so he just laid down on his bed.

After one hour at 5:30 am Zhen Lu woke up slowly while rubbing her eyes gently showing small signs sleep still in her eyes.

Then by the sudden movements coming from his right side alerted Lan Xiang for which he looked towards his right side and found that his wife has woken up.

Then he asked her slowly, "Do you have a good sleep my love ?"

Hearing her husband's question Zhen Lu looked up towards him and then told him while she smiled at her husband, "Yes, I had a very good sleep. Do you also have a good sleep, mybdear husband ? And when did you wake up ?"

Hearing his wife's question Lan Xiang lied to her, "Yes, I also had a very good sleep and for the second question I woke five minutes earlier than you."

Lan Xiang didn't wanted to make his wife worry about him so he decided to lie to her and told those things.

Then Lan Xiang remembered that he has seen his wife smiling in her sleep so he thought she must have seen some good dream and out of curiosity decided to asked her about it.

Lan Xiang: "My dear wife, when I woke up I saw you smiling in your sleep. Did see any good dream ?"

As Zhen Lu had indeed seen a very good dream, so she understood what her husband was asking about.

Zhen Lu: "Yes, my dear husband I have indeed seen a very good dream."

Lan Xiang: "Tell me what have seen in your dream that made you smile in your sleep."

Zhen Lu: "In my dream I have seen that you, me and Yue'er we all are sitting on a mat in the centre of a beautiful flower garden and enjoying our time together with joy and happiness."

Lan Xiang: "Oh so you have seen our family having gone to a picnic."

Zhen Lu: "Yes."

Lan Xiang: "That is great. It is was really nice to see you smile like that in your sleep. Because smile suits on your beautiful face."

Hearing her husband's praises Zhen Lu just blushed without saying anything and buried her face in his chest.

At the moment when Zhen Lu told him about her dream she didn't told him about her entire dream as she has not told him about seeing another person her dream who standing far away from them.

The reason for which she did that was simple because she smherself was not sure that the person whom she has seen in her dream was not any kind of illusion in her dream.

So for this unsurity she didn't told him about this part of her dream.

Then after resting for sometimes with each other they both got up from their bed and got dressed.

Then Lan Xiang went straight to their bathroom while Zhen Lu started to clean their room which was in a mess after the previous which was filled with their passion.

As she cleaned their bed suddenly she started to remember everything they have done in the previous night which caused bright red colour to come on her face.

This blush made her to put her head down in shy and she just hid her face in the bed sheet which she was holding in her hand.

Then she came out of her shyness when she heard water sound coming from their bathroom.

Then she quickly finished cleaning her room then she went to her son's room to check on him if he has awake or not.

After taking the staircase to the first floor Zhen Lu reached outside of her son's room and knocked on the door and called out to her son.

Then a sound came out of the room which was of none other than Lan Yue's who told her mother,

"Knock knock knock knock."

Zhen Lu: "Yue'er are you awake ?"

Lan Yue: "Yes, mother I am up and I will be out there in twenty minutes."

Zhen Lu: "Okay, then I will go start preparing breakfast for all of us."

As Zhen Lu knew that her husband and son has some of their peculiar habits and practises that they always do in the morning, so she had quite some times on her hands.

So she decided that she will finish all her morning works like brushing her teeths, bathing, etc., and then she will start preparing the breakfast for her family.

Just like she had thought her husband and son after finishing their morning work started their practises and in that time she also finished her morning works.

Then after finishing her morning work Zhen Lu went straight to towards the kitchen and started to make breakfast and lunch for all of them together as it was her daily routine.

Then after finishing their training practises l, morning walk and running both father and son returned home and Zhen Lu told them to go take bath and get ready for their respective works.

Then both of them went straight to their bathroom and took bath and after fifteen minutes came out of their rooms with completely ready for their respective works like Lan Xiang was ready for his clinic and Lan Yue was ready for his school.

Then both of them head towards the dining table and after rmarriving their sat on it. Then Zhen Lu placed their breakfast on their dining table which all three of them ate happily and Zhen Lu has also prepared their lunch and packed it so they all took their lunch and went to their respective work fields.

Then after walking for about twenty minutes Lan Yue and A'Xin who also met him outside his home reached their school and that the school gate they also met with their friends.

Then all of the friends went to their class and sat on their respective desks. Then all of the student's were talking with each other then after sometime their homeroom reach Ye Tong arrived and roll called every student to check if all of the student's were present or not in the class.

After taking the roll call teacher Ye started his class and one after another all the classes were taken till the lunch break.

Then at 1:30 pm the bell rang indicating the class the before lunch is over and the beginning of lunch break.

Then after the reacher left the class all of the student's put their notebook and book inside their bags and took out their lunch box to eat their lunch.

Then Lan Xiang and all his friends went to their special place ate their lunch their.

After finishing their lunch Lan Xiang signaled his friends to follow him and all the boys went behind him and all of them reached at their school gym.

Them they all asked him what was the reason for which he brought them to their school's gym.

Then Lan Yue told them that he has The Plan to discuss with them.

"The Plan" about what plan are you talking about Lan Yue said one of his friend.

Then Lan Yue just smiled and told them to sit down on the gym's floor.

Then all of them sat down on the gym's floor in a circle and then Lan Yue started to told them about The Plan.


Author's Note

The person whom Zhen Lu has seen in her dream is a completely different person than the mysterious person who was observing Lan Yue and all his training and also helping him.

Both of the person were going to be integral part of the life's of Lan Yue and Zhen Lu.