Talk With Lin Wen

Meanwhile Lan Yue looked, A'Xin andnall of their friends were busy at their school to decorate the school for the upcoming sports competition and village festival.

They all participated in decorating their school and not only them their entire class and all the students of their school were decorating the school, preparing the school fir the sports competition and the village festival on their own ground.

They all were see their excitement while they were decorating and doing all the preparation. They all have put their heart, soul, body without caring for sweat and blood of their own.

They all students who have taken part in the school play worked for about one hour before they all went to the auditorium to start their rehearsal for the play. This included all the participants both the onstage and backstage participants.

Then at first the backstage participants and prop team gathered all the necessary things that is required for the play.

Then they all went and checked the sound and light of the stage and for the artists for the rehearsal. Then after they have checked and arranged everything on the stage, the stage was set for the rehearsal to begin.

Ans soon the play started on the auditorium stage with all the actors and actresses present innthe auditorium and rehearsing their respective scenes.

Most of the scenes were involved more than two actors to be on stage and who were doing their parts. Some of the scenes involved action scenes which have greatly impressed of the people present there.

The actions scenes were of male lead and his friends who have to fight the invaders in their play who have invades and captured their village.

They all showed great emotions which was of the people who have been wanting and fighting to free to free their land from the invaders.

Seeing the actors portraying the true essence of the struggle of the freedom fighters the people who were watching their performance become really very emotional.

Then after the action scenes rehearsals were finished a two actors scene then began on the stage.

This particular involved the two main characters of the play who were Ling Han and Xing Mei. So the actors who were portraying them entered the stage.

The actors were none other than Lan Yue and Lin Wen. The scene in which they were about to act now was a beautiful romantic scene.

Then their drama teacher Ms. Lin described them their scene.

Teacher Lin: "Okay, Yue'er and Wen'er listen carefully. This scene is one of the most important scenes in the play. In this scene Ling Han and Xing Mei are having a very heartily conversation between them. They are discussing about the struggle their village and village people are going through by the invaders and for that how they have become distant with each other. Here with dialogues you also have to show your emotions more as you have to expres the longing and heartfelt pain two lovers feel when they were separated from each other. Do you both understand me properly ?"

Hearing the detailed explanation from teacher Lin both Lan Yue and Lin Wen both said in unison, "Yes, teacher Lin we understand you properly."

After hearing them Ms. Lin said, "Okay everyone be ready. Now let's make this part great. Set the background properly."

The scene take place near a mountain which is close to Jiang river, so set the background according to it.

Then the backstage crew started to place the proper setting properties on the stage as the requirements of the scene.

And soon the stagebwas completely ready for the scene to rehearsed and then Lan Yue and Lin Wen both entered the stage with the intension to make the scene great.

Then they both took their respective place on the stage which was facing each other. In the beginning part they both have to show an expression of anger and regret on their faces.

The one who is going to show anger was Lin Wen or rather in the play Xing Mei and the one who is going to show the expression of regret was Lan Yue or rather in the play Ling Han.

Then after seeing that both of then are on the stage and are ready to act their scene teacher Lin signaled them to begin their part. Seeing this Lan Yue and Lin Wen looked at each other and just gave a nod to each other as if they were saying to each other, "Let's make this part the main highlight of the entire play."

Then they both closed their eyes to get deep in their respective characters and when they opened their eyes they have now fully embraced the personas of Ling Han and Xing Mei.

For the first two minutes they both don't have a single dialogue to say as in these minutes the only thing which was going to talk was their eyes and facial expression.

This is more hard than saying dialogues as one has to express himself and herself with the only help of this face, facial expressions and eyes without uttering a single a single word from their mouth because in this way an actor or actress has to connect with his or her audience and make them feel what they are feeling at that moment.

This thing can said to be the most important and integral feat for any actor and actress and right now Lan Yue and Lin Wen are about to do the same thing.

After opening their eyes including both of then everyone else also turned silent to see what they are about to do.

Lin Wen had formed some tears in her eyes. She has tears with a feeling of losing someone dear to her heart forever with her face becoming more gloomy and the thick anger covering her beautiful face.

The feeling of getting away from the love of your life and the feeling of longing of love from your lover had brought the expression of anger on her face.

While seeing this Lan Yue just gave an expression of a lover who had nothing with him to say to the love of life as if he was going far away from her forever. He had the expression of a regret, fear and the feeling of losing everything in his life was clearly seen on his face with small tear drops forming in his eyes, even without his own knowledge.

And for the next two minutes they both stayed silent just like that without saying anything and just looked at each other deep into their eyes as if they were both searching some answers for their own questions in their eyes.

And soon the two minutes of deep silence passed over and now the time and part of the play has come where they both have to show their dialogue acting to everyone.

And in this situation breaking the silence Lin Wen or at this moment Xing Mei said to her lover,

Xing Mei: "WHY !? Why are you going away from me Ling Han ? What have I done wrong to you to be separated from you ?"

Ling Han was just silent without having any kind of words and idea about what to say to his lover Xing Mei.

Xing Mei: "Why are you not saying anything Ling Han ? Just like you I also love our village and I also want it's freedom. But I also love you more than my life and now you are ignoring me and my feelings completely. I just wanted to live a quite and peaceful life with you and now all I am getting rejection from you for my wishes. What have I done wrong to you to get this attitude and behavior from you. ?"

Xing Mei: "In all my life I have always wished and did everything of you liking that only made you happy. I have always did what you have said and never questioned you back."

Xing Mei: "For you, I have suffered many struggles. For you I have changed mu way of living. For you I have even changed myself and turned into a completely new person and yet I am the one who is suffering the greatest loss of her life. Why ? Just why it is ?"

Hearing his lover's full complains filled with anger and resentment Ling Han couldn't control himself and walked towards her and then he hugged her thinking this will calm her down.

But the opposite of his thinking happened and Xing Mei started to cry out loud and also started to throw punches on to Ling Han's chest.

Ling Han just kept hugging her and didn't speak anything. He just held her in his embrace, while she just cried and threw punches on his chest but soon she stopped punching his chest and just cried.

Seeing this Ling Han thought it is the right time to calm her down and speak with her,

Ling Han: ",There is nothing wrong in you My Love. I am the one who is wrong her. You haven't done anything wrong My Dear. I am the one who has done anything wrong to you. I have promised you that I will always be with for our entire life. I promised you that we will stay together. I have failed to keep promise with you. I have failed you. I have failed myself in your eyes.

Ling Han: "I have failed as a lover in front of you. But still I can't ignore my duties and my responsibility of protecting and freeing our land and people from the evil invaders whonhave made all of our lives hell. I have to do it."

Ling Han: "To achieve greater goods in our lives, to do something beneficiary for the society and it's people we have to sacrifice something, it is the rule of the world. And to protect our land, people and you I have chosen to sacrifice myself. I will protect you all with my life and if for this I loose my life I will have no regret in my life except only one regret that is I couldn't keep my promise with you, which I have made with you on our marriage day MY LOVE."

After saying this Ling Han also broke down in tears. He also felt that his love is being just getting out of his life and time.

Both Lan Yue and Lin Wen have started their part for more than five minutes and in that period of time no one uttered a single line or character. The entire auditorium was engulfed in complete silence. This silence carried all of the emotions which they both delivered to everyone's heart who was watching their act.

They all felt immense pain with the sad ending premonition of Ling and Xing Mei's love story. They both have touched all of the audiences hearts.

After the silence a single sound was heard first and then all of a sudden the single sound got multiplied and became more. The sound being heard was, "CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP..."

It is the clapping sound of the audience who were present at that moment and have seen Lan Yue and Lin Wen's performance with their own. They all were mesmerized by their performance.

Then after seeing their amazing performance teacher Lin felt an overwhelming emotion of joy and sadness. Then she said,

Teacher Lin: "Excellent. Amazing. Phenomenal. Yue'er, Wen'er you both have done tremendous job. You have made me proud and I am sure onnthe day of the play everyone who will see this will say the same thing."

Then hearing their teacher both Lan Yue and Lin Wen came out of their acting and became normal and said, "Thank you teacher Lin. It is all because of your guidance and mentorship."

After that everyone praised them and then they got out of the stage and the rehearsals continued for about another one hour and then it was over for the day.

After everyone went out of the auditorium, Lan Yue was waiting in their schools corridor for Lin Wen. After few seconds of wrap up Lin Wen came out of the auditorium and then she moved towards her classroom.

While walking on the way she Lan Yue is standing on the corridor, so she went towards him and asked,

Lin Wen: "Lan Yue what are doing here ?"

Lan Yue: "Lin Wen, I was waiting for you. I have something talk to you."

Lin Wen: "You are waiting for me! What is that you want to talk about ?"

Lan Yue: "Wen'er, I know I might sound rude and disrespectful towards you after saying this but I have to say this. If it is possible can you not take part in the main play ?"

Hearing this Lin Wen became a little angry and asked,

Lin Wen: "What do you mean by not taking part in the main play Lan Yue ? Explain yourself."

Lan Yue: "Wen'er, it is like this, I want to help A'Xin to overcome her stage fright. So..."

Then Lan Yue explained his entire plan and intension to Lin Wen, who after hearing everything became very angry and said,

Lin Wen: "I am really disappointed with you Lan Yue. I thought that I am also your friend but I now knownm that I was wrong. I was completely wrong. You have never considered me as your friend. If you have considered me as your friend then you wouldn't have said all these things to me. You knew that this role and play was very important for me and yet you are saying that I should quit ilat most part of my life. No Lan Yue, I will never quit this play and if it is for A'Xin then I will never quit it."

Saying this Lin Wen left that place angrily, leaving Lan Yue alone there who was regretting his action that hurt Lin Wen.

His intension was never to hurt Lin Wen but rather to make her understand the situation but now he knew she will never understand this because she is also right at her place.

So after having many conflicting thoughts in his mind Lan Yue left the corridor ans left for his classroom.