
After going inside Hu Wen's house, Hu Wen asked both the brothers to sit on the sofa placed in his living room area with him.

Then both the brothers also sat with him and then Hu Wen started to ask Ren Xuan about himself and his job and some trivial things.

Hu Wen: "Xuan I have heard many things about you from Luan. But now I want to hear everything from you about yourself, your job, habits and all. So can you tell me about yourself ?"

Ren Xuan: "Sure Uncle Wen, I have no problem with answering your questions. So first thing first my name is Ren Xuan and I am the Big Brother of Ren Luan. We are both orphans from a very little age. After our parents passing away we both have taken care of each other. I have taken every possible job to earn money so that both of us can live a decent life. And after so much struggle we both are now settled in our lives. As for my hobbies, I don't many things because I didn't have much time for those luxuries of life since I have to earn money to make our ends meet. But one thing which I have learnt diligently is martial arts because I have the responsibility to protect my little brother. And now as you know Luan is working as a photographer in Sun city while I am working as manager at the biggest fireworks company in Sun city which is Star fireworks company."

At this Han Gong who has been disguised as Ren Xuan told Hu Wen about this specific job because he already knew that the villagers wanted to do the fireworks show at their village annual festival for the villagers and the guests from the city.

And Ren Luan who has observed everything about the village and villagers had already told him about the fireworks matter which was decided by Chief Wang, Lan Xiang and their villagers.

So Ren Xuan has already decided to told everyone in the village about thisnspecific of him. Because hearing it no one will doubt him and he can also become a part of the village festival.

And what he had thought soon started to become a reality because Hu Wen who was listening to everything that he was saying completely believed him.

Hu Wen: "You really had a tough childhood Xuan which no one can imagine. You have reached at this point because you have a strong will power in mind and you stood still and strong in front of the challenges which life threw at you. And for that now you both are here in life where you should be. Okay now enough with the talk Luan'er take Xuan'er to your room so that he change his clothes and get freshen up."

Ren Luan: "Yes Uncle Wen, I will take Big Brother to my room now."

After saying this Re Luan carried Han Gong's luggage to his room and Han Gong followed behind him.

Soon they both reached inside Ren Luan's room and after reaching inside Han Gong closed the door of the room and locked it from inside. Then Han Gong went over to the bed and then he sat on it and then he said,

Han Gong: "Shall we start some progressive talk Mr. Ren Luan ?"

Ren Luan: "Yes Boss let's start the progressive talk."

Han Gong: "Good, so now tell me what is the update till now on the work which you have done ?"

Ren Luan: "As you already know about everything that had happened till yesterday about which I have sent you and I have also showed the live feed to you and Big Boss today."

Han Gong: "Yes till today whatever happened in this village I know everything. So now tell me any new things which you have found out while I was on my way to here."

Ren Luan: "Till the time you are traveling here the only thing that I came to know about is that both Lan Xiang and his son Lan Yue are martial artists and I think that Lan Xiang could become really troublesome for us, Boss."

Hearing that Lan Xiang is a martial artist made Han Gong to go into a deep thinking state and after thinking for a while he asked again,

Han Gong: "Hiw strong is that Lan Xiang in his martial arts ? And what is the level of his martial arts ?"

Ren Luan: "That I don't know Boss. I have only heard about him being a martial artist from A'Xin the granddaughter of village Chief Wang. She mentioned that he is the strongest martial artist of this village."

Han Gong: "So we have a martial artist here about whose martial arts prowess we know nothing."

Saying this a serious expression was formed on the face of Han Gong. Then looked at Ren Luan and asked,

Han Gong: "Where is the house of that Lan Xiang ?"

Ren Luan: "He lives in the house which is in left of this house."

Han Gong: "It looks like I have to go and meet this Lan Xiang personaly to find his martial arts level."

As they both were having their conversation, a knock sound is made on the door of Ren Luan's door, hearing this they both turned silent and Ren Luan went towards the door of his room and asked,

Ren Luan: "Who is it ?"

Hu Wen: "Luan'er it is me, Uncle Wen. Open the door."

Hearing the identity of the person who made the knocking sound on the door, he opened the door to welcome Hu Wen into his room.

Ren Luan: "Yes Uncle Wen do you need something ?"

Hu Wen: "Xuan'er, Luan'er there is something for both of you."

Ren Xuan: "Tell us Uncle Wen, what is it ?"

Hu Wen: "We all have received an invitation for dinner tonight."

Ren Luan: "Who has invited us to the dinner Uncle Wen ?"

Hu Wen: "Luan'er, you all have been invited to dinner by Zhen Lu."

Ren Luan: "Oh so Mrs. Zhen has invited us for dinner. It is great because Big Brother hasn't met Mrs. Zhen. It is great chance to meet her there."

Hu Wen: "Yes you are right Luan'er and Chief Wang and A'Xin were also invited for the dinner and Xuan'er will also meet Chief Wang there."

Ren Xuan: "Yes you both are correct Uncle Wen and Luan'er. I am so eager to meet both of them."

Hu Wen: "So get ready both you of we will go their house in about ten minutes, okay."

Ren Luan and Ren Xuan: "Yes, Uncle Wen we will get ready in ten minutes and we will meet you in the living room after getting dressed."

After hearing this Hu Wen went towards his own room to get ready.

Then after Hu Wen left their room, Ren Luan closed his room. After he closed his room, Han Gong took out his smartphone and called Gu Hong,

Han Gong: "Big Boss, it is me."

Gu Hong: "Tell me Han Gong."

Han Gong: "Big Boss I have reached at Jiang Village and I am now with Ren Luan inside his room."

Gu Hong: "Good, and anything else that you have get to know by now ?"

Han Gong: "Yes there is some new development which I get to know now."

Gu Hong: "Tell me what is it ?"

Han Gong: "I came to know today that Lan Xiang is martial artist and he is also teaching his own son martial arts but I don't know his martial arts level yet."

Gu Hong: "Hmn, interesting. This will be more fun than I have ever imagined. Okay then check his level of martial arts and do let me know."

Han Gong: "Yes, Big Boss it will be done as you have said and Big Boss there is something else which you should know."

Gu Hong: "Tell me what is it ?"

Han Gong: "We have been invited to dinner at Lan Xiang's house tonight."

Gu Hong: "Hmn, okay go to the dinner and do everything as we have planned and keep me updated."

Han Gong: "Yes Big Boss."

After saying this their phone conversation was over and then Han Gong told Ren Luan to get ready as their Big Boss has given them the permission to attend the dinner.

Then hearing his Boss Ren Luan nodded in agreement and then both got ready for the dinner and went down to the living room where Hu Wen was waiting for them after he git ready.

Then seeing that the two brothers are ready to go to the dinner, he spoke to them,

Hu Wen: "You two look really great in these attires of your."

Ren Xuan and Ren Luan: "Thank you so much Uncle Wen."

Hu Wen: "It's almost time let's go Xiang'er's house."

Ren Xuan and Ren Luan: "Yes Uncle Wen."

After saying this the three of them went out of Hu Wen's house.

As they csme out of Hu Wen's house they all saw A'Xin standing outside of her house. Then after seeing her Hu Wen went towards her with the Ran brothers following behind him.

Soon the three of them reached near her and seeing all three of them A'Xin greeted them and they also responded to her greet and then Hu Wen asked her,

A'Xin: "Good evening grandfather Wen, Uncle Xuan and Uncle Luan."

Hu Wen : "Good evening dear A'Xin."

Ren Xuan and Ren Luan: "Good evening A'Xin."

Hu Wen: "Why are you standing here A'Xin?"

A'Xin: "I am for my grandfather to come grandfather Wen."

Hu Wen: "Oh you are waiting for Chief Wang. Okay let him come then we all will went with him."

A'Xin: "Alright grandfather Wen."

After that the four of them waited for Chief Wang to come and after few seconds and then Chief Wang csme out of his house and saw five people were outside of his house.

Then Chief Wang went towards them and saw a new person standing their and then Hu Wen asked him,

Hu Wen: "You are late Chief Wang. We have all have been waiting for you."

Chief Wang: "I am sorry Hu Wen. By the way who is this Young man ?"

Hu Wen: "Oh this Young man over here is the Big Brother of Ren Luan, Ren Xuan."

Ren Xuan: "Good evening Chief Wang, I am Ren Xuan the Big Brother of Ren Luan."

Chief Wang: "Good Evening Xuan and nice to meet you. Hu Wen it seems like you are also invited to the dinner."

Hu Wen: "Yes Chief, the three us of were also invited for the dinner and we all were waiting for you to come so that we all will go to Xiang'er's house together."

Chief Wang: "Now that I am here let's go for the dinner."

Hu Wen: "Okay let's go."

After saying this all of them went to Lan Xiang's house for dinner together.

Soon they all reached in front of Lan Xiang's house and A'Xin pressed the door bell button to let them know that they have arrived for the dinner.

After hearing the door bell sound Zhen Lu went to the door and opened the door to welcome the guests to her house.

After she opened the door, she saw all of her guests have arrived together. Then she greeted all of them and welcomed all of them to her house.

Then all of them entered her house and followed behind her to their living room.

Then all of them sat on the couch and chair placed in their living room. They all saw Lan Xiang was cooking the dinner in the kitchen all by himself.

Lan Xiang saw that they all have arrived, so he greeted them all from the kitchen and they also responded to him.

While they all were sitting on the couch and chair, Zhen Lu and Lan Yue came joined them.