I Will Come There Myself

Chief Wang: "Then you have my permission to do both the things for this year's annual village festival."

Hearing the permissive words from the mouths of Chief Wang Ren Xuan and Ren Luan became really happy.

This happiness was not just for the both brothers but Hu Wen was also happy with them because he has done two things with his suggestion.

First of all he has got Ren Xuan two jobs and secondly he has also helped Chief Wang and Lan Xiang in lessening their problems.

Then Ren Xuan looked at Hu Wen and said,

Ren Xuan: "Thank you so much Uncle Wen only because of you I got the opportunity to help this village and it's wonderful people and I also get a new job. Thank you so very much Uncle Wen."

Ren Luan: "Yes Thank you so much Uncle Wen for helping my Big Brother."

Hu Wen: "Don't Thank me I just did what needed to be done at this moment and with this all of our problems were solved and Xuan'er also got a job. So I could say it is a win-win situation for all of us."

Zhen Lu: "What Uncle Wen said is absolutely right. Because this is our life where we all have to help each other to make all of our lives easier."

Hearing his wife's words Lan Xiang also agreed with her and nodded his head.

Then the people who were most happy and excited about the fireworks shows were Lan Yue, A'Xin and all of their friends.

They all didn't knew about the fireworks show to be used at their village festival has made more happy because they have never seen a large scale fireworks show before.

This time it is going to be their first time seeing this kind of fireworks show for which they were all very excited.

Then Lan Xiang turned his head towards Ren Xuan and asked,

Lan Xiang: "Mr. Xuan do you really know anyone in the field of event management who can arrange the decoration and overall management of our annual festival ?"

Ren Xuan: "Of course Dr. Xiang I know someone. The person I know is is very good in the field of event management and he can arrange everything for your annual festival."

Lan Xiang: "That is really great. If you don't mind can we talk with him right now ?"

Ren Xuan: "Sure we can talk him right now. Just give me a few minutes."

Lan Xiang: "Okay."

After having this conversation with Lan Xiang, Han Gong got up from his seat and went a little far from them and then he took out his phone from his pocket.

After taking his phone out of his pocket Han Gong dialed the number of his Big Boss Gu Hong.

Han Gong: "Big Boss it's me Han Gong. I am sorry for calling at this hour but it is something really very important."

Gu Hong: "It is okay Han Gong. Now tell me what you want to say to me."

Han Gong: "Big Boss it's like this. These people want to hold a fireworks show in their village about which we have already knew and just as we have wanted they have given me the job to arrange the fireworks show and now they also want me arrange an event management team to handle the decoration and overall village annual festival management."

Gu Hong: "Hmm it looks like everything is according to my plan just like the way I have wanted it to be."

Han Gong: "Yes Big Boss everything is going on according to your plan."

Gu Hong: "Since the stage is set I will come there myself this time and everything which we have wanted we will get this time."

Han Gong: "Yes Big Boss it is time that you have to come here and one more thing Big Boss they all wanted to talk with you."

Gu Hong: "Okay go ahead and let me talk with them I want to hear their voices also by myself."

Han Gong: "Yes Big Boss."

After hearing his Big Boss's words Han Gong changed his serious expression back to the smiling expression of Ren Xuan and walked towards Lan Xiang and others.

Then after reaching near all of them Ren Xuan said to them,

Ren Xuan: "Everyone, the person about whom I have talked with you all is on the phone and wants to talk to you all."

Saying this Ren Xuan put his phone on speaker and and then said,

Ren Xuan: "Now everyone I have put my phone one speaker and you can talk with him."

Hearing Ren Xuan's words the first person who started to talk first was Lan Xiang,

Lan Xiang: "Hello Sir, good evening I hope we are not disturbing you at this moment."

Gu Hong: "No no it's completely alright Sir and tell how can I help Mr. ?"

Lan Xiang: "I am sorry I have forgotten to introduce myself. Hello Sir my name is Lan Xiang and I am the doctor of Jiang Village."

Gu Hong: "Hello Dr. Lan Xiang nice to meet you. I am Gu Hong and I run an event management company. Tell me now how can I help you ?"

Lan Xiang: "Mr. Hong as you have heard from Ren Xuan that we have our village annual festival after three days and we want that if you can decorate our entire village and can manage the entire festival organization then we would be very grateful to you."

Chief Wang: "Hello Mr. Hong I am Wang Zhu the chief of the Jiang Village."

Gu Hong: "Hello Chief Wang as Dr. Xiang said I have already talked with Xuan about the things and I have also heard it from the mouth of Dr. Xiang."

Chief Wang: "So can you arrange everything what we want in these less time ?"

Gu Hong: "Chief Wang I have heard everything and please be rest assured everyone I will come to your village at earliest possible and I will personally check everything and then I will bring my men and the thing which we will require for the festival decoration and management tomorrow and the all the work which we will do will begin from tomorrow itself."

Chief Wang: "Thank you so much Mr. Hong and we will wait for you tomorrow morning very eagerly."

Gu Hong: "Yes, Chief Wang I will be there by the earliest time possible so you don't need to worry about it."

Lan Xiang: "Thank you so much Mr. Hong for agreeing to help us. It means a lot to us."

Gu Hong: "Please Dr. Xiang don't be so formal I just said yes for the thing which I do normally for my living and I am good at nothing special."

Chief Wang: "Still you have agreed to do it with a very short time span which is very appreciable."

Lan Xiang: "Yes Mr. Hong no one agrees to do this thing in a very short time and you have agreed to start work from tomorrow is really very commendable."

Zhen Lu: "Yes what Uncle Wang and my husband said is absolutely right. Thank you so much Mr. Hong for helping us."

Gu Hong: "Please don't be so formal madam and you are ?"

Zhen Lu: "I am Zhen Lu the wife Dr. Lan Xiang."

Gu Hong: "Oh nice to meet you Mrs. Xiang and as I said it is nothing special as it is my job and Xuan also urged me to take this job so I could not refuse it."

Zhen Lu: "Still you have agreed to help us is very much of a pleasure to us."

Gu Hong: "This is very much of a pleasure of me also and the night is getting dark and I think you all have your other works to do so I will take your time anymore and I will meet you all tomorrow morning. Good night everyone."

All of the people: "Good night Mr. Hong."

Saying Gu Hong cut his call and looked at some files place in front of him on his table before placing them together on one side of the table and said,

Gu Hong: "From tomorrow everything will start to change for you."

Saying this he smiled while looking at a photo which was hanged on the wall right next to him.

Meanwhile at Lan Xiang's garden after the phone call ended Ren Luan gathered everyone together and then he took out his and clocked some photos of eveyone and then the kids also finished their snacks and drinks and then they all left for their home.

Then only Lan Xiang's family, Chief Wang, A'Xin, Hu Wen, and the Ren Brothers were left there.

Then Lan Xiang told everyone to head inside to his house and towards the dining table to have the dinner which he has prepared for everyone.

Then they all went inside to Lan Xiang's house and to his dinner table just as he wished.

Then after they all sat down on the chairs at the dinner table, Lan Xiang brought all the dishes he has prepared for the dinner and then he served all the dishes to everyone.

All of them ate the dishes and didn't said anything and Lan Xiang was looking at then with an expectant look in his eyes.

Then after taking three bites of all the dishes Xhsn Lu was the first person to said,

Zhen Lu: "From today onwards I will not make any food in this house."

Lan Xiang: "Why are you saying this my dear wife ?"

Zhen Lu: "If my dear husband can cook better than me then I don't have to cook anything. Because from now on you will prepare all the dishes."

Saying this Zhen Lu laughed and the other also joined her and Lan Xiang who was very nervous just sighed in relief and said,

Lan Xiang: "My dear wife even if I know how to cook but still my prepared dishes Csn not be compared with your food because you are much better than me."

And just like this smiling and laughing the dinner at the Lan house was completed successfully and after that everyone went to their respective houses.