I Am With You

Having finished his conversation with Shi Wen, Chief wang and the other people went straight inside Chief Wang's house.

Then all of them reached inside Chief Wang's house and then Old Lang and another villagers helped Chief wang to sit down on the couch.

After sitting down on the couch Chief Wang looked at the wall clock to check the time. He saw that right now the time was 2.30 pm and there are still lots of time before the kids come to home.

Then Old Lang sat next to Chief Wang and asked him,

Old Lang: "Chief Wang where is the first aid box ?"

Chief Wang: "Why are hurt somewhere Old Lang ?"

Old Lang: "No Chief I am not hurt."

Chief wang: "Then why arr you looking for the first aid box ?"

Old Lang: "I am not looking it for myself rather I am looking it for you. Just lookt at yourself and your state. So now tell me where is it ?"

Chief Wang: "Don't bother yourself with these things. Let them be."