Time Has Come

And just like that the night ended and the Big day have arrived for Zhen Lu and Lan Yue. 

The morning which is containing the hopes of wife who is desperate to save husband, a son who is very concerned with the safety of his father has finally arrived.

In the previous night Zhen Lu couldn't sleep properly due to the thinking going on in her mind. She thought about only one thing, "How are we going to save my husband ?"

On the other Lan Yue is just praying in her heart that his father would be safe. After praying for his father's safety Lan Yue went to the terrace and there he practised his martial arts.

He practised his martial arts with keeping one thing in his mind that if the call is made then he should be able to fight.

Then Lan Yue practised for about about four hours in the terrace before coming down to his room to get some rest.