Shopping Part - 2

Then she went to the side of Li Weixiao and took the five dresses from her and went away to pack those dresses for them.

Seeing this Li Weixiao became very serious and then she looked at Gu Hong and asked him.

Li Weixiao: "Hong'er why are you purchasing all the five dresses ? You know that those five dresses are very expensive."

Then hearing this worry of Li Weixiao, Gu Hong put his one finger on her lips and told her.

Gu Hong: "Sssshhhh. Those dresses are not expensive in front of your happiness and smile. And more importantly don't worry about the price your Hong'er is more than capable to buy more than ten boutiques like this without even scratching his half of the half of half of the wealth. So just relax and buy whatever you want."

Hearing his words Li Weixiao just sighed in a helpless manner because understood very well that he is not going to listen her.