Getting Ready for The Party

She did this because she herself knew it that she doesn't have any experience in sword which could harm her and this will make Wang Long and Gu Hong very upset.

Then Wang Long put the sword in it's original place and then he took out a staff and began to display some moves with the staff as well.

Li Weixiao also held the staff and swung it for sometimes before giving it back to Wang Long and he took it from her and placed it on it's original position.

After that Wamg Long took out the nunchuks from the weapons stand and began to swung it around him and while he swing it around him, he went away to a little distance from Li Weixiao.

He did that because he doesn't wanted to hurt Li Weixiao and not just this time but every time he has used a weapon he used to take some safe distance from Li Weixiao.

So with that precaution of distance Zhang Lkng showed some swinging anb moving moves with the nunchuks.