Arriving At The Party

And just right after five minutes they both came out of the shop and seeing them Wang Long opened the doors of his car of them and then they both sat down in the car and after that Wang Long also sat down in the driver's seat.

After that Wang Long ignited the engine of his car and with putting the gas of his car to burn violently with the acceleration Wang Long drove away from the shop.

He took the three of them straight towards the venue where the party is about to be held by Gu Hong.

As they are travelling towards the venue of the party Wang Long took his sometimes in between driving and looking straight ahead to the roads to look at Li Weixiao.

When he looked at her he saw that she has a very calm demeanor on her face with a poker face which is very hard to understand her feelings and emotions.

But Wang Long just could imagine the things that is going on inside her head and heart at that moment which is the only thing he could do.