Party Begin

And then he went straight to the room and after reaching in front of the room he knocked on the door and then the sales woman opened the door.

After she has opened the door, she saw that Wang Long is standing there so she immediately welcomed him inside.

And with the welcome Wang Lomg went straight inside the room and after entering inside he closed the door and told her.

Wang Long: "Thank you so very much that you have agreed to help us. This means a lot to us."

Sales Woman: "Please Sir don't say these words. I just did the thing that needs to be done accordinh to humanity. And if there was someone else in my position then that person would also have helped you and madam."

Wang Long: "No madam. It is you being humble only. But in this world full of greedy and cheating people no one else would have helped us as you have done. So thank you so much. By the way I haven't asked your name yet my apologies. What is your name ?"