The Revelation Part - 2

Liu Xiu: "Of course Big Sister. Hong'er knows me very well. And its been five years since I have last seen you. So you tell me how are you feeling after coming back from death ?"

Hearing the final sentence of this new woman which was basically a question made Li Weixiao very shocked.

Because in that last sentence the word DEATH is been used by this new woman and this made Li Weixiao shocked because she couldn't understand it.

Now only this her mind at that moment became very restless because all of the things which has happened with her till now has begun to mess her mind up.

And now this mess in her head has begun to affect her wholly as a result because now she has became a little hyper.

This hyperness is in the sense to get to know the answers and the things which this woman knows about her which Li Weixiao currently doesn't have a slightest clue about.