Choose Wisely

Then the dream version of Li Weixiao turned back towards the man facing him and then she went towards him.

When the real Li Weixiao looked at the man she became very shocked because the face of the man who is with her dream version right now is none other than Wang Long.

And now seeing Wang Long in her dream she is getting confused more other than being shocked by this.

Soon the dream version of Li Weixiao stood in front of the Wang Long in their dream world and after that she turned around towards the real Li Weixiao and seeing both of them together the real Li Weixiao spoke to them.

Li Weixiao: "Long'er ? How come you are here ? And to with her ?"

Li Weixiao(Dream): "Hahaha. You really are naive still now Xiao'er. He is the not the real Long'er. He is just an image or statue of Long'er just like the one who standing behind you right now. Go ahead and turn back to look who is behind you. Go on."