Some Alone Time In The Island

Li Weixiao: " Long'er what is this place actually ?"

Wang Long: "Xiao'er this is the place where we will begin your training. This is the place where I have gotten my martial arts training. This is The Master Island."

Li Weixiao: "The Master Island ?"

Wang Long: "Yes Xiao'er this is the island where I got trained in the martial arts by Master. And after he passed away I named this Island as The Master Island and this is the place for your training as well."

Li Weixiao: "Is this Master of yours is the same one who was with you in the prison ?"

Wang Long: "Yes Xiao'er. He was the same man. Come with me I will introduce both of you."

Hearing these words of Wang Long, Li Weixiao became a little bit confused but then Wang Long began to move towards somewhere and Li Weixiao followed behind him.

Soon they both reached in front of a small shrine which is present at the west side of a mansion in the Island.