The Birth Of Kaito Kimura

/Ethan POV/

God waved his hand, the stars glowed a bright yellow and a portal formed in front of me. It crackled with blue energy, I looked at God, and then I remembered my mom. She died with me, so why isn't she here?

Ethan: "God, why isn't my mom here?"

I asked, it still felt weird to talk to God himself. All of this felt like a dream, God closed his eyes and then suddenly opened them. Images of my mother flashed in my head, she was a baby and was in a caring family. I smiled, and looked at the portal that was still crackling.

Ethan: "Wait? Why don't I get a wish?"

I asked, God walked towards me, I felt like something bad was going to happen. God gave an evil grin as he jumped up and spun in the air, his hand got covered in cosmic energy. I widened my eyes as God smacked my face, sending me hurling into the portal.

My body changed and got smaller and smaller, I felt something very soft cushion me. It was pulsating and warm. I could not see, I raised my arm and used it to touch the side. It was lumpy and soft, I pushed into it and heard a giggle.

'Wait, am I a baby!?' after feeling my surroundings, I confirmed that I was a baby. I heard some more groaning, and even panting. Light entered, and I had to cover my face, it felt like something was burning my skin. I was forced to move forward and towards the light, I felt my head getting squished.

My head felt like it was going to pop, it was so painful. After a minute I was pulled out, the light shone on my soft skin. I slowly opened my eyes, everything appeared to be hazy, like fog consumed everything. The fog got washed away, and I could see a doctor holding me, he had a giraffe head and wore a very thick mask.

I was so surprised that I began to wail, the doctor looked saddened. He walked forward and handed me to what I assume to be my new mother, she had long black hair and silver eyes like my old mom. She had cherry pink lips, and she had sweat pouring down her forehead. She gave a loving smile to me, her hand touched my head.

Mom: "Kaito Kimura, you will be Kaito Kimura."

My mom said as she kissed my forehead, her lips were soft and squishy. She gently placed me in a man's arms, he had black skin and had curly white hair. His eyes were red, and his face had scars on it.

Father: "I'm your dad, Kaito. We will give you all the love in the world."

My dad said as he touched my head, his touch felt rough and hard. I felt sleepy, I probably wasted a lot of energy by wailing, I wonder what this world will offer… My eyes closed as I calmly curled up in my father's arms and slept.


I slowly woke up, that was the best sleep I have ever had. I looked around and saw I was in a cradle, next to me there was a plush bear that had big beady round eyes that stared into my soul. I tried to move, but I body was too weak, I grabbed the ground and crawled towards the bear.

In the reflection of the bear I could see what I looked like, I was tan like sand and had fat all over my body. I grabbed the bear and then moved it to the side, I could see through the bars of the cradle and saw that I was placed in the same room as my parents.

They were on a king-sized bed, my mom was peacefully sleeping, but my dad was reading through a book. There was a warm lamp shining on his book, I tried to focus on what the book was, but it was too far away.

'Hopefully I grow up quickly, I don't want to be a baby for too long.' I gripped the bar and my stomach growled. Hunger entered my mind, I looked at my dad who was still reading he flipped the page and started to read the new page. I hoped that he noticed my growling, so I wouldn't have to wail, after a while he was still reading.

The air was cold, and I pulled on the bars like a certain monkey from a meme, my head hit the plastic bar. It wouldn't hurt, but everything was much more dangerous as a baby. The plastic bar felt like it was made of metal, I grabbed my head and started to cry.

The crying turned into full on wailing, the pain wasn't going away instead it was growing. My head ached in pain, my dad looked at the cradle and placed his book on the bed. He walked up to me, his footsteps were silent because of the slippers he wore.

As he walked my wailing got louder and louder, my dad bent over and grabbed me. It was like I was flying in the air, my legs were dangling below me and I looked at my dads face. He was visibly annoyed by my wailing, he rubbed my head.

Father: "There, there is no need to cry."

'I wonder how he would feel knowing he is holding a grown man… I am actually starting to regret being reincarnated.' My father started to sing a song, but he kept on forgetting the lyrics. I was getting annoyed, he looked at me with full confidence that his song worked.

'Should I just cry again? That face is really tempting me to do it…Sorry father, but you will hear the crying of a hungry baby!' I looked at my dad as he started to smile wider, I took a breath and then screamed. My dad's smile turned into a frown, his face was very funny to look at. I laughed, and my dad seemed a little mad.

Father: "Are you trying to make a fool out of me! I sang an amazing song and this is what I get!?"

'That song was literally trash, even an infant could sing better.' My father quickly calmed down after realizing he was talking to a baby, he started to take me out of their room and into the kitchen. My stomach growled, and my dad walked to the refrigerator to get something for me to eat.