Me: "So what do you like to do Izuku?"
Izuku: "I-I like to write in my notebooks about heroes and huntsmen! And watch All Might save people and defeat villains!"
Me: "When we get into your room can you show me what you write?"
Izuku: "Yes!"
Izuku said as he nodded his head so quickly that it was a blur to even look at, I chuckled at his behavior. Inko and my dad were talking to each other, they constantly made jokes and talked about their past. Inko was not chubby like how she was before in the series, she was tall and stood upright. Her hair was in a cute little bun on her head, her brown hair waved in the air and she laughed at one of my dad's jokes.
Dad: "Well, I better get going. Here is some money, you can consider it a gift."
My dad searched in his pocket and grabbed three bands of money, he handed them to Inko who looked at my dad with surprise. She looked at the money and started to nod her head side to side, my dad was confused by her actions.
Dad: "What the problem Inko?"
Inko: "T-this is far too much money! Why would you give me so much?"
Dad: "Well, we were best friends in the past and I see that you are starting to struggle. This money should let you get a house and some other things. If you need help with finding a house or with my son call me on the phone, and I will instantly answer."
Inko: "Y-your too kind."
Inko said as a big amount of tears flooded out of her eyes, she smiled gratefully as my dad rubbed his head awkwardly. I wonder how she cries so much, I bet I could fill whole cities with the amount of water she is spewing.
I looked at Izuku who was looking at his mom with worry, he used his small hands to grab into Inko's leg. She stopped crying and then looked at Izuku who had worries all over his face, she rubbed her eyes and smiled at Izuku. Izuku seemed to understand that she was crying out of happiness, my dad walked back to his car and then waved me goodbye.
Dad: "Bye! Make sure not to destroy any plushies!"
Me: "That plushie was possessed by a demon!"
Dad: "Sure..."
My dad entered his car and then quickly drove off into the distance, Inko walked up to me and crouched down to look into my eyes. In complete honesty I do have to admit that she looked beautiful, she could become a model.
Inko: "Hello, I'm Inko Midoryia and I'm going to be taking care of you. I heard a lot from you from your father."
Inko patted my head gently, her hand felt good on my head. My mom really doesn't pat my head a lot, she usually just pats my back instead. But now that I got a feeling of having a head pat, I really want more. Without even noticing I nuzzled into the head pat, Inko stopped patting my head and saw how dark it was.
Inko: "Well, we should get inside."
Izuku: "Can we watch the All Might movie again!"
Inko: "It's too late for the movie Izuku, we can watch it tomorrow."
Izuku: "Alright mom!"
Me: "So where am I sleeping Mrs.Inko?"
Inko: "We don't have a room for you so you will have to sleep with Izuku, is that alright with you?"
I looked at Izuku who was happily walking, he had a wide smile on his face. 'I should be fine sleeping in Izuku's room, though I hope he doesn't snore.'
Me: "I'm fine sleeping with Izuku."
Inko: "Alright, I already talked with him about letting you sleep and he was fine with it."
Izuku: "Y-yeah you can sleep in my room, and maybe we could watch All Might together..."
Me: "I need to do something Izuku, can we watch it after I'm done?"
Izuku: "O-Of course Kaito! I-I can wait."
We entered into the building and had to climb up a bunch of stairs, I felt like I was going to die because of these long stairs. Izuku and Inko however climbed the stairs easily, after twelve minutes we arrived on the floor that we were supposed to be on.
Me: "Please...No more stairs, I feel like I'm about to die..."
Inko: "Um, do you need some water?"
Me: "Y-Yes please, I need water."
Inko: "We have water in our apartment, it's right over here!"
Inko said as she pointed her hand at one of the rooms, on the door, there were pictures of All Might, Inko, and Izuku placed on the door. We walked up to the door, I was still breathing deeply those stairs murdered my legs.
Me: "*Pants* Hey, Izuku do you like to play games?"
Izuku: "U-um, I like to play Heroes Fighting Ultimate, i-its a really fun game!"
Me: "So you like playing fighting games? I didn't expect you to like that."
Izuku: "W-well, one of my friends made me play it with him a-and well..."
'I expected him to like strategy games or some puzzle game.' I looked at Izuku who was fumbling his fingers as he started to mumble, Inko opened the door and revealed their room. Their living room was combined with a kitchen, there was a decently large T.V that was placed in a small thick drawer.
The couch was brown and took up half of the living room, in the kitchen, there were at least six drawers. The kitchen had a refrigerator, Inko walked up to the refrigerator and then opened it releasing the cool air trapped within.
She pulled out a water bottle and handed it to me, I held the cold water bottle in my hands and took out the cap. I started to drink the water, the cold fresh water slipped down my throat I felt energized. I looked at Inko gratefully, I tossed the empty water bottle into one of the trash cans that were in the kitchen.