Blowing off steam

"And she calls me the barbarian," Malachi quietly said as the waitress came back to serve them wine. 

Aaron burst out laughing. "The barbarian?" He had to laugh some more before he could speak. "Malachi the barbarian." 

He was having fun at his expense. 

"You can be barbaric sometimes brother," he teased. 

How was he barbaric? It was just humans that acted differently. He was careful with her. Had she been a dragon, they would have already been wrestling. It was a way to show affection but well, humans liked to kiss the "ladies" hand and buy flowers. Be a gentleman, whatever that meant. 

Was that what Ares was? Did he buy her flowers? Kiss her hand. What did he say to her? Surely their way of flirting was different. More subtle. He knew humans were careful with their language and showing affection in public. 

"Did you also know that she was healing people?" He asked. 

Aaron shrugged. "I know she helped Nelli."