Better day

Ravina was in her worst nightmare again. The scene of her parent's death, the loss of her sister, and many others. She was left alone, standing there and watching the once beautiful village that has been home to many, crumble. And somewhere there, her parent's bodies were burned to ashes. 

From all the fire and smoke rising into the air, Malachi stepped out of it, not the least injured by the fire or affected by the smoke that suffocated many to their deaths. 

"What have you done?" She asked him. 

He remained silent, his eyes burning with some unknown emotion. 

"You ruined everything," she told him, tears streaming down her face. She looked around. Why was she the only one alive? What would she do alone in this world? 

She was left with this creature. The one who took it all away. Suddenly she walked toward him, then past him, her eyes focusing on the burning village.