Pride goes before destruction

Ares was busy shooting at his opponents, and in the back of his mind, he prepared himself for the inevitable fistfight that would follow once his bullets ran out or if he just didn't shoot fast enough. 

He had seen the guards join in the fight and the messengers were also fighting somewhere, and Ares quickly tried to load his gun when it was kicked out of his hand and as he looked up, a punch was coming his way. Ares blocked the attack with his forearm, feeling the impact reverberate through his whole body. He was surprised he could even hold off the punch and a new strength surged through him. Still, he didn't have the strength of a dragon. He knew attacking back would be just as painful if not more for him and as he made a quick counterattack, driving his fists into the attackers stomach, he felt the pain that shot through his arm. He quickly followed with an elbow to the back, sending him to the floor.