Chapter (26): How can they stay alive after days of bleeding?  

Aunt Gu Ju sighed deeply, she was thirsty and had been waiting for hours to see if a maiden would come out of the palace's gateway.

The wheel of the life span was running slowly, to her. She was exhausted from sitting there for hours to see someone familiar. Her back itched as she sweated leaning back to the pillar. The sky was pure blue and a mild breeze was dancing. Yet, it couldn't cool down her nerves. Everything was entertaining to kick her by the back.

A chirping bird sat beside her, pecking on the ground, there was some dried rice that the seller spread out for the birds.

"I wish you could understand my language! Then I would send you inside to bring Chao out." Letting an extended sigh out, she was certain that he wouldn't come out anyway! He was his sister's slave.

Passing by people in the pedestrian were looking at her, following her gaze that was straying around. She was talking to herself, and it attracted attention.

Her eyes caught the herbs carriage, it was going to the castle's infirmary. The guards checked the product under the brown thick sheet which covered the materials, for avoiding any possible rain. She smirked devilishly because the driver was talking to some guards over there.

Using the chance, she tiptoes ahead and entered, dragging the fabric on herself. "I am coming, Li Shu!"

Stumbling ahead, the carriage proceeded ahead and she nagged as her hip hit one of the wooden boxes. The space was small for her and it sounded tough to bear. But it wasn't the issue, right? She had a long way to find her in this castle and not be caught by any guard.

Outside of the castle, an old man with a long white beard saw the lady who was attempting to climb up the carriage. He walked to the guards quickly and showed his royal badge.

"Welcome, master Qin Fei." And they let him pass. Not even questioning him, he was wearing an item of pleasant clothing that only royals could afford the fabric, it was the gift that the princess's mother had given him and he couldn't wear once she was alive.

How could these guards act like fools, they were to be distracted easily, it could be an assassin getting inside. However, this woman appeared to be harmless, it couldn't deny that silly neglect.

"What are you doing, Lady?" This woman wasn't from here! How daring to trick the guards and play with her life.

The man followed the carriage and stopped by the infirmary. From there the woman was hiding in a corner so the old man watched over her every single move.

"They are talking about Li Shu!"

The woman repeated, the man's eyes widened, what did this woman want from the prince? Last night, he said that master Qin must look for the maiden called Li Shu.

Approaching her, he looked forward above the woman's shoulder. "What scenery to enjoy, do you like herbs, lady?" He taunted.

Wincing backward, the man dodged not to be smashed on the ground under the woman, "calm down, Lady!"

The woman hit the ground with her back. Growling at the man who caused her terror, "What the heck are you doing, grandpa!"

The man cleared his throat, straightening his shoulder, he caressed his beard, "Grandpa! I am not able to be a grandpa! Anyway, I heard you are looking for Li Shu!"

She jumped up and excitedly asked about her, "dear grandpa, do you know where I can find her? I am her aunt!"

The man looked at her blankly, 'the prince's aunt? Woman, you had believed the story those men had weaved for her.'

"She must be in so much pain that she couldn't come here on her own." Physician Lu Mingyu told the ladyship.

Drawing their path to the back garden, aunt Gu Ju got distracted by them, ignoring the old man. She strode after them.

"Her head is full of hot air; she will bring trouble!"

Master Qin frowned, with a prying woman like this, the prince hardly could be vigilant. However, the eunuch had another plan in his head, if Ma'am's sacred magic had decided to bring these youths together, then he wouldn't stop the destiny. These youngsters were destined for each other, their faith had a mighty bond beyond.

Getting inside the back garden, the old man blocked aunt Gu Ju's way, "Before I call the guards, stop here."

The woman bared her teeth, "Look, that girl is in pain and I only can help her."

'Is it a trick to convince me?'

"How should I believe you, any proof?"

"Yes, here, I make some pills that can help her to get rid of the pain in a few minutes, the drinks are slow."

She took out a small vial that had some dark-colored pills. Was she an alchemist? He doubted if she was one and had licenses.

"Alright, follow me."

Getting by the door, the man consumed some time, he wasn't yet certain to let this woman get inside. But he needed Li Shu to get him close to the princess before someone else could catch him. Moreover, he was concerned that someone would recognize him or acknowledge him as being alive.

Before he could function and adjust his thoughts, the woman kicked the door like a bull and stormed inside.

"Li Shu, Aunt Gu Ju is here to save you."

Chaoxiang stormed out of the kitchen, holding a tray that had a cup and teapot on it.

"What hell sent a bale like this?" Chao cussed, seeing master Qin who was as red as beetroot. He gave them right, no one was as peculiar as aunt Gu Ju, the greedy woman who came after the bracelet.

Inside the room, the physician checked Li Shu's pulse and shook his head, "You shouldn't drink, Lady! Your body is sensitive…"

Right before finishing his words, the door smacked back, a resonating sound brought a shiver to Li Shu's body. The numbness of her fingers and legs increased even more. The Ladyship quickly stood up shouting for the guards.


After the woman came Chao and put the tray down for the calm physician, exposing his sword, he placed it on the woman's neck. She was crossing the lines. Being a threat to the prince was beyond his tolerance.

"How dare you?"

Ladyship Ma shouted.

"I … I … am her aunt!" she stammered; terror paled her face, eyes rolled on the cold steel on her neck. What had to happen to Chao who had nerves of steel!

"Is this true?" The ladyship asked, looking at the cringed girl who put her pale head on the table.

"This nightmare is my aunt!"

"I have pills that can heal her!"

The physician shook his head, sitting near the tray, he calmly continued proceeding with his work on his own remedy, not taking the woman seriously! Making the tea, he handed it to Li Shu, "drink this first, it will detox your body." His head moved to the woman.

"Let me see your license!" He smirked as the woman blinked startled.

Chao brought down his sword.

"What is going on here?"

It was the princess who attended in the door frame and Ke Xin was behind her. Li Shu's tears left her eyes, why was she crying again? What happened to the mannish pride? She couldn't stop it at all, why did she feel that a hug of passion could work better than everything?

The princess was standing there majestically, sparkling in her sight, her presence brought a war, aura, her aura was as if the heavens landed. Marching through the room, the princess bent and hugged the girl. She used to bear the same pain almost every month and had walked in Li Shu's shoes.

Caressing her hair said, "Calm down, you will be fine. If I knew your situation, I wouldn't send you sweets."

"It is fine your highness." Li Shu was startled, the warmth of her body was so pleasant, that it could completely heal her pain, and even the tears dried in her eyes. When she was close, she could feel that there was hope to rescue this curse. It was definitely the magic of the bracelet so the prince should keep this woman close for now.

Releasing her from her arms, the princess looked back and darted the woman a sharp gaze, "Who are you? What are those pills?"

The pills in her hand could be poisonous! Li Shu had made enemies for herself once the beginning; prince Xing Bolin wouldn't take it easy on her after what they spent during the last week. Oh, no! Aunt Gu Ju stuck herself in mere trouble, these people could never take a Joke. She devoured the air but it couldn't push her awe down.

Li Shu sighed, her mind was busy, and she was confused by the princess's recent actions, as it came across, that the princess's affection wasn't just for the bracelet, she loved Li Shu's personality.

'How can they stay alive after days of bleeding? This is intolerable.' The prince's head hardly could progress through the pain.