Chapter (101): poison: Kiss of the devil

Prince Xing Bolin closed the book, he was reading an epic poem that his mentor had given him, asking for the concept. 

"Ah, how should I know what the poet was growing in his head! This is so hard!"

The eunuch bowed his head, "shouldn't we ask someone to help you?"

"Tears of Blades is the hardest epic poem in this library, who is capable to read and tell me what the concept is?"

Meng Fai wore a thoughtful expression and caressed his bread.

"I heard that physician Lu is perfect at reading poems. I remember a few months ago he was teaching princess Xing Huan!"

The prince's mouth dropped, "what?" Smashing the table with his fist, his men jolted. It was jealousy again molding throughout his face.

"Yes, she gathered all skillful people around her, they are not useless servants like you."

He picked up the book and stood up.

"We are going to the left fort's infirmary."