Chapter (113): You are a dragon?


Zhang Bo discovered Chaoxiang getting back from the castle and asked him to go with him.

"Why are you scared?"

"Minister Chen is hot-tempered. I don't know what his reaction can be!"

Chao looked at the mansion they were arriving, there was a distressed crowd there.

"What a night! Could you find the lady?"

A valet told another one and he shook his head in fear.

"Master will kill us all, how could you let her escape?"

The man was shivering, sweat beaded on his face that orange light the lantern was making it glow.

"All I care about is her safety, she used the forest road, and it is dangerous in these hours."

Chaoxiang looked at them blankly, "hey, Zhang Bo! Don't tell me that you brought them news of her!"

"Yes, and it is good and bad at the same time!"

He approached the men and said, "I must see minister Chen!"

"He is busy now, don't you see the young lady is missing!"