4-That long-awaited love

(R): I'm back 

(Z) lenan isit my imadination ol did youl bluisis intleashe in ghe bshloom(Renan, is it my imagination or did your bruises increase in the bathroom)

(R): Umm He tells Zahr everything

(Z):eee you hit to peet yoo bashtald( Eh you hit to peek, you bastard) .

(R): I didn't do that I swear ,  little Foufou Tell them you've been with me the whole time You are a witness to my innocence She hits me on the spot Don't even let me defend myself

(Za): Ask Foufou if he's there

(R): Huh? Can he do that?!

(C): Mr. Zahr can talk to animals, isn't that amazing?

(R): It's amazing! By this you can prove my innocence to Jinjer, right?

(Z): I'm trying, so calm down


(C): Haha

  (Z): Foufou fou tui fou tai tui fa foufou -

(R): He whispers, "With permission,Clara," does he really understand this?

(C): Well he said he could do it but I didn't really see him do it so.

(R): Yeh

(F): Fou-fou-fou

(Z): Looks like he's responding

(C): Amazing!!

(Z): Foufufufu, tai-fou, tui-fou, fa-fou-fou-fou

(R): Oh well... 

(Z): ghe little foufou shaid ghat you ale innocent ag you wele shitting on ghe glound moulnind youl luct fol him and complainind about ghe told weagher  all ghe time until zinzer tame out(The little Fufu said that you are innocent, as you were sitting on the ground mourning your luck for him and complaining about the cold weather all the time until Jinjer came out)

(R): So...

(Z):  but ghish can not be ploven fol zenzer(but this can't be proven for Jinjer)

-(R): Why didn't you say that little Foufou is a witness to my innocence?

(Z) I tan undelshtand what ghish witnesh shays he ig man and zenzel do not belive men si will definitely say that zahl is lying to protect his flend(I can understand what this witness says. He is a man and Jinjer. Do not believe men. She will definitely say that Zahr is lying to protect his friend )

-(R): Eh, this is really terrible!!! what to do

- (Za): So he was really hit for no reason -(C): Poor man

-(R): Well, I'll go explain it to her again and apologize

-(Z) its no uge zenzel won not believe you lathel se is now ledind i definitely do not letommend doind to hel so se does not det bulned(It's no use Jinjer won't believe you rather she's now raging I definitely don't recommend going to her so she doesn't get burned)

(Za): He's already gone

(Z) noot niceee he had to heal gahl until to end(Not nice he had to hear Zahr until the end)

Renan goes and knocks on the door of Jinjer and olua's room, and olua opens for him

(O): You are resonant

-(R): Is Jinjer here I want to talk to her jinjer gets off the bed and hurries to the door with an angry expression

(O): Yes, it is... She pushes Olua back and shuts the door with a resonant face -

(R): Listen to me for a moment!!!!! I'm sorry I unintentionally bothered you so much but it was all a very big misunderstanding Olua looks at jinjer, who ignored Renan's words and still showed signs of anger

(R): In the morning, Wissam forced me to accompany him, but I closed my eyes and did not see anything at all when he forced my head into the bathroom hole, this time as well as I was entering the bathroom and found it closed The girls had already taken a bath so I thought you were with them I sat waiting inside until It just comes out. I never looked out of the hatch or did anything wrong, believe me

Renan waits, but does not receive any response, so he sits near the door with disappointed hope

(O): Jinjer...

(J): Do not talk about this 

(O): But I think that Renan is correct in his words 

(J): Do not be naive and only believe people...

(O): You do not believe men at all, neither easily nor hard

(J): What?

(O): It is not that I am trying to say that you are wrong, but that you are always thinking about me, so you increase your concern and fear because of that... I think this may be overkill and...

(J): Are you trying to say that I have become a nuisance to you?

(O): No, I did not mean that, but I was thinking, is it okay for us to continue living on suspicion of those who are close to our family?

(J): Would you like to trust someone who intends to harm you?

(O) : But you did not give him this confidence, and he lost it... I mean, I was hiding behind you and liking Wissam from afar all the time. I was afraid that he would attack me if I approached him, but today when he approached me and cried, he moved away and gave me tissues to wipe my tears

(J): Yes, what do you mean by liking him since when this is basically when it came close? From you when did this happen!?

-(O): Don't worry, he didn't do anything to me, I thought he wouldn't appreciate my feelings, but he was thinner and kinder than I imagined, rather because of my crying, he got upset and locked himself inside his room.

(J): Wissam?

(O): I was very upset and thought that I did

something bad that hurt him, so I asked Zahr and Zahra and they told me that I didn't make a mistake, but he feels guilty because he made me cry... He was upset for me all that time, it was because I cried.

- (J): But oh...

(O): If he tries to hurt me, I will scream. You can hear me and help me then, right, let me go to console him?

(J): What you say is impossible. You can't go to that pervert alone. Did you forget what happened in the morning?

(O): I do not deny that it was a bad act, but neither did we try to talk to him directly and tell him that his behavior annoyed us, you just hit him, maybe he can't understand how you feel in this way

I do not deny that he has some mistakes, but I am different from you, I may be better able to understand his mistakes ... What I am trying to say is that I want to try to talk to him as it should do not worry, I am no

longer young and I want to be able to communicate naturally with others on my own no I want to be the little girl who hides behind you forever... You may not believe it but I've been upset since I saw the annoyance in Wissam's face and I want to fix things so he can smile again... I want to try giving him my trust and go alone and talk to him as it should

(J): Olua, confidence is not a cheap thing to receive so easily

(O): You must throw it and bet on it, because if it falls into the hands of the right person after throwing it, he will give it value and appreciate it more than you and me. If you are weak, you are strong and you have nothing to lose, right? Try to trust one guy for once and...

(J): Leave my life behind you!

(O): Um, let each of us live our lives as we should. I am sorry that I will let go of your hand after you have abused me until now,

but I want to get over my cowardice and walk alone. Wissam survived. Who knows, maybe I found love waiting for me in this young man.

(J): If you want an opinion, I think that you are the one you love and he knows, so he represents you with his sadness to manipulate your feelings

(O): Perhaps I am the one who likes him, but Jinjer, those looks were not a lie or a representation. Believe me,His looks were...

(J): Didn't you say that we each live our lives, it is enough for you to believe him,  go now

(O): Umm, thank you

Olua goes to Wissam's room and Jinjer tries to forget about the matter and leave her alone, but she can't and she pulls away, so she follows Olua and eavesdrops on their conversation

(O) Wissam  Wissam

(W): Princess Olua, what's the matter? Did something happen?

(O): No, but you are not well for that... -(W): What, are you worried about me, my dear... Ummm

(O): Wissam?

(W): Sorry Princess Olua...that's right... You rejected me already so I have to stop talking to you like  that way

(O): What?

(W): If my feelings make you so upset that you cry, I will lock them up. I will not come near you again. I promise you that..

(O): I am not upset with you! Believe me I don't really know why you cried but I really like you...Uh...I mean...My heart beats when you call me an angel and praise me I think your smile and your hustle amuse me so smile and don't stay depressed This and... "Hey, I just said everything is running out loud right now..."

(W): Ha-ha-ha-ha

(O): With a very red face, huh?

(W): I'm sorry, but your shy face is more cute than I imagined, I didn't hear well say that again.

- (O): Impossible

-(W): Come on, I'll smile if I do that

(O): Don't take advantage of my feelings in this way

(W): Yes, I can't refuse a request for those two eyes

(O): Umm, then.. tell me.. answer me honestly. Why do you love me? Is it because I am beautiful or do you love my personality?

(W): both

(O): What?

(J): I knew he was a bastard

(W): I'm sorry, because it may not be the answer I imagined, but you told me to tell the truth. In fact, I can't deny that I feel drawn to appearance, but I also adore the kindness of your heart, your innocence, your gentleness, and your kindness.

(O): One day I will be an old woman full of wrinkles and...

(W): Really? I'm excited to see that

(O): Eh?

(W): What, and did you think that I would despair of you after sixty years, even if that jinjer kept hitting me to get away forever I will stay near you and we will grow old together then if you fall and fall I will grab you and carry you on my curved back for sure

(O): But you said that you love my beautiful appearance..When I grow up, I will not be beautiful again

(W): You look beautiful because you are Olua and even after 60 years you will remain Olua and as long as you are Olua I adore you so much that I want to see what kind of child you were and what kind of old woman you will become.  anywhere and anytime

(O): Ummm, it becomes red

(W): Please, please, please, can I just give

you a little hug?

(O): Eh?

(W): I'm going to die from the cuteness of your red face if I don't 

(O): It's okay, this time, I won't cry, I promise

(W): Ah...sorry, that's not really necessary..let's do something else. What do you think about talking about... hugging him

(O): I'm really not upset, but rather I love you

jinjer looks annoyed when she hears their conversation

(R): Spying on others is terrible Especially in a situation like this

(J): Shut up the princess alone with that bastard I have to make sure she is safe

(R): Wissam's perversion and his love for the princess are two different things? Then shouldn't you think about yourself a bit instead of focusing your attention on her?

(J): Shut up trying to convince me to get busy with myself so that you both have the opportunity to do whatever you want with the princess. Do not dream that this trick will come to me

(R): This was not my intention at all, and Wissam, as well. I myself think he is sincere in his love for the princess. He told me before that he is happy to stay here as long as she is there.

(J): Who cares what you think, you got along remarkably well with Wissam. There is no doubt that you planned all this in order to get rid of me and deceive the princess with your pseudo-kindness.

-(R): Listen, I'm really not interested in that Olua at all. Rather, if I care about anyone, I think you are much funnier than Olua...what is that...?

Jinjer appears shocked, with a red face

"(O): You must throw it and bet on it, because if it falls into the hands of the right person after throwing it, he will give it value and appreciate it more than you and me."

(J): Do you think I am stupid or what?

(R): What?! I'm not

(J): What do you think after you tell me cute I'll melt and tell you "Oh Renan I love you I'll do anything you want"

What is this absurdity, do you think that I am naive, Olua or what?

(R): No, for a moment, I don't want anything from you. I was trying to make it clear that I'm not interested in Olua, just...

- (J): Don't raise the cost while you call it your tricks. These are not on me. You are trying to gain my trust first so that I can relax my defense with you and take advantage of that. Play another one, you crafty. And you go jogging She talks to herself as she runs

(J): Your lie is exposed, I am not beautiful. Everyone knows that my hair is not as long as Olua's hair, and its color is strange, my body is strong, full of muscles, and not the tenderness of her body. I am not funny to interest anyone, I am cruel and ruthless, I am not as gentle and nice as Olua. If you are going to lie, at least lie with some logic!