
The magic circle, the three ancestral items and the purple lightning disappeared immediately after Yao Wang stood up.

Behold on the spot that that those ancestral items and the magic circles were before, A long scythe with three golden curved blade and a dark handle materialised.

From it, came smother outburst of energy that rippled through the entire dimension.

The lines of the ripples was visible. it was more like that when a stone is dropped inside water.

Oscar signaled for Yao Wang to grab the scythe.

If he can grab the scythe and control it, it means that the ancestors have agreed of his rulerships.

Yao Wang nodded after seeing the signal and proceeded to grab the scythe by the black handle that was sparkling.

As Yao Wang's hand went forth, time slowed down.

The expression on the eyes Oscar and co was expectant..

In one of the windows, a rage filled head popped out and also watched the action with watchful eyes as well.