Three hours

Three hours after the meeting, Yao Wang and Mo twin arrives at Oscar's place before they were taken back to the sacred demon dimension.

According to the Royal law, a new leader is supposed to be at the dimension for a week after coronation to take hold over his people and understand their nature so that it will be easy to rule over them.

At times, the clan leader is allowed to leave If something really important that can't be postponed comes their way.

It has been four days already, since the coronation but Yao Wang have already gotten himself used to the dimension so did Damian.

Infact Damian was even lucky, his luck was unrivalled in his eyes.

Today making the fourth day that he have spent in this mansion, he have already gotten used to greet head and after pleading very much and making his maternal grandfather laugh his chance of breaking the seal on his dantian have finally arrived in front of him and he did not hesitate to accept it.