Vice [5]

"Oh, now every single person you see is Yao Wang, even if it's a snake with a name tagged on, you know you're being delusional, I wonder what grandpa sees in you that makes him dote on you this much, as for me you are worth nothing more than a fellow clansmen."

"A fellow clansmen, huh, so you really hate me that much?'

"I'm the one losing if I start hating someone like you"

"Hey, both of you are siblings, if you argue about every single details, then I guess there's really nothing that can differentiate you two from actual kids" Great Head arrived at the scene with a frown.

Lilian snorted and walked out of the room, leaving only the great head and Damian with each other.

"Are you sure about this, remember he is the vice president now. a single decree from him and our clan is broken"

"I Know grandpa, we don't need to bother about the safety of the clan at this moment, the whole citizen of this Nation are in danger,"