A restlessly anxious Snow … transformed in her wolf-form … is feverishly charging through the woods under the illumination of a hunter’s moon, trying to vent out some pent up, nervous apprehensions that have been frequently gnawing at her as the impending event approaches. Within the next few days, she’s supposed to marry Michael Cavanaugh; Alpha of the Lightning Bolt Pack … a wolf whom she’s never met before.
Up until now, she has been lost in her own jumbled up thoughts, tuning out the rest of the world; when, she’s suddenly, instinctively drawn to the sound of her sister’s voice coming from a nearby hot spring. She immediately slows her pace from a full charge to a quickened trot, as she ascends the small hill that overlooks the spring, but, stops in her tracks at the top; after seeing that her sister isn’t alone. Snow crouches down on all fours, then, stretches out her front and hind legs, and lays on her belly; nestling down as low as she could go to conceal herself within the indigenous vegetation. Snow isn’t usually voyeuristic in nature; but, her curiosity is a bit piqued at the moment. She’s heard the rumors … and suspected as much … but, now she has the rare opportunity to get a firsthand, eyewitness account of it herself.
Now, an official, full-fledged member of the Moonbeam Pack’s Defensive Security Detail; Amanda … more commonly referred to as ‘Amazon Amanda’ due to her intimidatingly overpowering, warrior-like physique and incredibly uncanny fighting skills … is butt-naked soaking in the steaming waters with her … equally as butt-naked … she-wolf lover; Rachel. And, with an intensely, bright gleaming hunter’s moon beaming down upon them, in conjunction with Snow’s sharp, keen, wolf night vision; Snow can watch, clearly seeing every minor detail and nuance.
Amanda has a tautly muscular, super-toned, femininely athletic body; that’s deeply tanned … helping to further de-accentuate some of the faded scars left on her body; which she had collected over the years as remnants of previously fought battles. Her jet-black hair is at a length just slightly shorter than a bob-cut style; and, her eyes are of a light-charcoal hue coloring. And, as far as her breasts are concerned; they a bit smallish – not completely flat-chested … they can be palmed; allowing for a slight curvature of the hands while doing so – but, firmly perky with a slight upward turn. While Rachel possesses an extremely curvaceous, feminine physique; which is quite voluptuous. She has fair, milky-white skin with no detectable blemishes anywhere. Her wavy, strawberry-blonde hair falls halfway down her back; and, her eyes are a stunningly mystifying, translucent bluish-green hue. And, as far as her breasts are concerned; her breasts are abundantly ample, with plump, protruding, dark pinkish nipples, encircled by large … with a slightly darker shade than the nipples … areolas.
Amanda and Rachel are leaning in against each other, cozily snuggling up alongside one another … nothing majorly shocking as far as Snow is concerned … with Rachel resting her head in the crook of Amanda’s neck. They are tenderly holding onto the closest hand of each other, interlacing their fingers; while alternately taking turns to bring the joined hands up to their mouths and gently kiss their fingers. After a while of this, Amanda spontaneously takes in deep sniffs of Rachel’s hair; as Rachel turns her head in towards Amanda, and, starts to slowly deliver a series of light pecks from the nape of Amanda’s neck back to inside the crook, then, works upward towards her ear … then, begins to softly nibble on the lobe. Amanda sharply tenses up, as a surging flush of sudden ecstasy courses through her entire body; causing her nipples to become stiffly erect, and her vulva to throb … as she lets out a low, elongated moan; which is also heard by Snow’s heightened sense of hearing. Snow’s starting to feel a little uncomfortable and guilty for invading her sister’s privacy; but, at the same time, can’t help but feel a bit titillated by this … and, the next thing she knows; she’s scooching up a little further, to take in a better view.
Feeling how Amanda’s body had tightly tensed up … now occasionally squirming in her arms … and, hearing her moan from sexual pleasure, Rachel can’t help but to become overcome by her own surging flush of ecstasy coursing within herself; as her nipples swell up, and her vulva throbs as well … feeling the heat rising down between her legs. Both of their inner-wolves are screaming “More! More!”.
With Rachel’s breasts now heaving above the waterline, with her nipples swollen and puffed out, and the bumps within her areolas more rigidly pronounced; Amanda cups both breasts from underneath and lifts them out of the water … hastily leaning in face first into the fleshy mounds. Amanda keeps moving her mouth around and across each breast, back and forth; alternating between slow kisses, licks, and sucks … ending up focusing on the areolas and nipples. As she does this; Rachel wraps her arms around Amanda’s head, holding it firmly against her breasts; as her head uncontrollably tilts back, and her pupils roll to the tops of her eyeballs … moaning from unbridled ecstasy. And, once Rachel regains control of her head, she tightens her hold on Amanda even more; squeezing Amanda’s face down between her breasts. Amanda then releases her hold from under Rachel’s breasts, and reaches down under her buttocks, and stands, lifting Rachel up out of the water; then, maneuvers Rachel’s legs to straddle her waist.
Amanda gets out of the spring, carries Rachel to a grassy spot on the ground, then, carefully sits down; with Rachel sitting on her lap … her legs still straddled around Amanda’s waist; and, her arms wrapped around Amanda’s head, holding it between her undulating breasts. This time, Amanda takes hold of Rachel’s breasts from the side, and, forcefully squeezes them inward; causing both nipples to press up against each other … then, Amanda covers both of them with her mouth, and starts to suck in on them; while flicking her tongue between the two, compressed nipples to stroke them.