Chapter 2

She covered her shoulder pain and continued to run out desperately. The footsteps behind her told her that the devil was not going to let her go!


    He didn't shout at her. He was like a hunter . His silent pursuit increased the fear of the night.


    From the stairs to the first floor, fortunately, there were voice controlled lights all the way to illuminate her escape. She strode through the spacious lobby and finally saw the glass door of the exit. But when she was ready to push the door and rush out, a tall and thin boy outside the door deterred her.


    She doesn't know this man. Can she ask him for help?



    "Help me! Help me! That man..." as soon as she rushed out of the glass door, Eva ran to the man.


    He is very beautiful. He should be a few years younger than her. He is like a handsome neighbouring brother, which makes people lower their guard.


    However, when her finger pointed back to the chaser in the glass door, she heard him whisper, "Brother."


They are brothers!


    She regretted it!She shouldn't have asked him for help!


    Eva just wanted to escape in the other direction, but the thin boy caught her and asked the man in the glass door, "who is she?"


    She could feel jealousy in the big boy's words. If her feelings was right, the relationship between them should be more than brothers!


    "Listen to me, I'm just an ordinary employee who works overtime. He claims to be Ervin Black. He stays in the president's office and wants to ..." she was eager to explain what had just happened , but she didn't find that the man’s eyes looking at her were becoming more and more hostile.


    Ervin Black stood in the glass door, holding his hands, and looked at the ignorant woman . She asked his brother for help. Of course, he wouldn't miss the next picture of their kissing.


    To be exact, Eva was forcibly kissed.


    She knew she had asked the wrong person, but she didn't expect that the thin boy was as hungry and thirsty as his brother when he saw a woman!


    This kiss, to put it bluntly, is a bite. It has no technical skill!


    He was going to tear off her tender lips. She pushed away his body with all her strength, but their mouths were still close together because he bit her lips.


    Eva was almost crying. The big boy was not generally hungry and thirsty. He was a pervert!


    She would rather return to the state of being hit on her hips than the current tearing kiss.


    "That's enough, Edward. She's your second Brother's girlfriend. Don't make it too obvious."The lust devil who had just attacked her buttocks pushed the door and came out and said slowly.


    Eva stroked her aching lips and saw the face full of masculinity, but inexplicably refuted him, "what are you talking about? I'm not anyone’s girlfriend!"


    "He didn't hesitate to give up the opportunity to study abroad in order to let you enter the company. He was willing to stay and help me develop new areas, but you ruthlessly wanted to dump him?"Ervin Black strode to her, stretched out his magic claw, grabbed her thin neck and caught her front, as if he were going to bite her in the next second.


    As bright as the street lamp in the daytime, he saw her red lips bleeding from a close distance. He was immediately controlled by the inexplicable desire in his body, bent over and sucked her lips, greedily sucking the fragrant honey with blood in her mouth like a thirsty traveler in the desert.


    "OK... It hurts! Don't!"She pleaded bitterly as she twisted open her neck.


    She didn't know that kissing could make people so painful, but she underestimated Ervin Black's beast nature. Finally, without hesitation, it went into her pants and tightly clasped her hip.


    However, this is not Ervin Black's final destination. His hand continued to search downward. After a depression between her legs, he finally found the source of damp and heat. His flexible long fingers bent gently, not in a hurry to attack directly, but casually touched the tender labias.


    "Ah - I Don't know who you're talking about. I Don't have a boyfriend, really! Please, Don't!"She tried to tighten her legs to prevent the evil hand between her legs from continuing to do evil, but instead prevented his hand from pulling away.


    She didn't know them, let alone another brother they said. Why should she bear such humiliation?


    Although it is late at night, the street is brightly lit. In case of passers-by, how will she live in the future?



    "Enough, brother!"With a childish roar, Eva felt a force with anger to separate her from Ervin Black.


    "Edward is not happy."Ervin Black glanced at him lazily, feeling no guilt. He turned to Eva again.


    From his eyes, she read the endless aggression. Her trembling body was eager to escape here. Fortunately, she was entangled by a thin man called Edward, who gave her a chance to escape.


    "When will you ignore me? What's my relationship for so many years?"


    She ran forward, heard the cry and roar farther and farther behind, and vaguely understood the relationship between the two men.


    Younger brother likes elder brother, but elder brother doesn't seem to like men. No wonder their behavior is so heinous!


    She wanted to run for her life and almost hit the car coming from the fork. Fortunately, the man braked in time and the wheel didn't run over her flat shoes.


    "Are you okay?"The man in the car leaned out and asked with concern.


    Eva glanced at the man, did not dare to stay more, and continued to run forward.


    After experiencing the two men just now, in her current cognition, "man" is like jackal, tiger and leopard. Even if the man's voice in the car sounds so familiar and gentle, she dare not talk to him alone in the desolate street in the dark night.


    Through the street lamp, the man in the car saw her face. Although it was only a brief glance, he could recognize her.


    "Eva! Is that Eva?"Without a response, he pushed the door open and chased out, shouting, "is it Eva?"


    Eva was surprised, and her steps gradually slowed down and stopped.