Reuben Jones said Elmer Hill, "Okay, I'll take you to the motel." "Rise"
Elmer Hill said, "How about you?" You're divorced, where will you live?
"I'm housed." Reuben Jones grinned, then departed in a cab.
Elmer Hill clenched her fist, wrinkled her nose, and whispered, "Don't tell me. I'll read your tale sometime.
The baris niche. When Reuben Jones arrived, there were 10 individuals. No seductive dancers were onstage, and they appeared pretty calm. Middle-aged vicissitudes sang there. Folk songs' sadness.
A knowledgeable individual may tell at a look that this pub will soon go bankrupt.
This bar has been in operation for seven or eight years and loses millions annually, yet there is no bankruptcy.
This pub is too bland, lacks enthusiasm, and has antiquated décor for regular patrons.
It's a bar, yet there's no waiter. Customers must purchase alcohol at the bar. Now, service is valued. Who wants this business model?