Chapter 3

Immediately I look for the catch. "What does he need from me? I won't do anything illegal, if that's—"

"Oh no, of course not. He merely needs to marry you."

For some reason, this doesn't shock me as it should have. "He has this nice apartment in New York, and he obviously has enough money, and he's a very nice gentleman… He should have so many women chasing him. Why choose me?"

Gabriel shrugs. "Maybe he believes in you."

"But we only met once!"

"Sometimes, that's more than enough."

I look down at the document and think about what Mr. Bellegarde is asking.

"I'm afraid I have to turn him down," I say. "I'm grateful for everything Mr. Bellegarde has done for me, but I was taught not to trust strangers. I'll leave tomorrow, and I'll pay off my debt to him when I'm able to."

Gabriel frowns. "Don't you want to think about it before you reject him outright? Perhaps go and speak with him personally?"

I sigh. "I suppose I owe him that much, at least."

Gabriel laughs. "You're a smart girl. Here." He takes another document from his briefcase and hands it to me along with a fountain pen. "Sign this. It says you agree to marry Mr. Bellegarde, and after you fulfill your duty and give him the help he needs, your marriage will end automatically. There's really nothing to be afraid of."

I take the pen. It's heavy. There's no harm in helping, I say to myself, then sign my name on the document.

Gabriel takes the paper and pen from me, looks over the document, then puts everything away in his briefcase. He stands.

"Is there anything you'd like to do before I take you to meet Mr. Bellegarde?"

I look at a newspaper that's sitting on the coffee table. The headline states that Percy will be married tonight. I look up at Gabriel. "How about revenge?"

That evening, Becca brings me an ornate box and tells me that it's from Gabriel. It's a dress that he expects me to wear to meet Mr. Bellegarde. I open the box and laugh. It's the dress that was on display at Haute Couture that day when I passed out in the street.

I put it on and stand in front of a mirror. What was once a weak and pathetic girl has transformed into a beautiful, noble goddess. I smile at myself and hope Percy is ready for what's coming.

I walk into the banquet hall in all my finery, and everyone throws me a look of surprise—or more accurately, panic. Who is this woman, they wonder. I smile inwardly.

I look for Sterling in the crowd. I finally find him and we lock eyes. He walks through the crowd toward me.

Then I hear someone nearby mention that this banquet is the engagement party of Percy and his financée. Suddenly I don't have any desire to be here, and I turn around and charge through the crowd without hesitation.

I see Percy, now. He's with his fiancée, enjoying the bustling hall from the corner of the huge ballroom. I stop walking and compose myself. What am I doing? I'm here for Sterling, and no one here knows who I am. Why should I run when I appear to the rest of these people like a goddess without a history? I turn back to Sterling.

That's when Percy's family notices me. They think I'm here to make some trouble, and they start walking in my direction. Just as they're about to say something, Sterling pulls me away. He puts my arm through his.

"Stay with me," he says.

I ask him, "What's going on here?"

"I'll explain later."

The decor of the banquet hall is very luxurious, and all the guests are dressed in expensive fine clothes, and all the ladies are wearing their most beautiful and expensive jewelry.

Sterling and I cross the room arm-in-arm. Everyone stares at us, but no one dares to come closer.

"Hold your head up high," Sterling says so that only I can hear. "You're the most beautiful woman here tonight."

I look at Percy out of the corner of my eye, feeling embarrassed and awkward. I want to leave, but Sterling holds onto my hand that's resting on his arm and keeps me next to him.

"I don't feel comfortable staying," I tell him. "Can I wait for you outside?"

"Sorry, you signed the agreement," he says under his breath.

Sterling's face is frightening. I walk with him to meet the banquet's hostess.

It's the first time I've met Estelle. She's elegant and pretty. She and Percy are a match made in heaven compared to what he had with me. Percy doesn't look very worried to see me here. He stands by his fiancée's side with a gentle smile. However, Estelle is beyond surprised to see me here.

She looks at me and tilts her head as if in confusion and asks, "Laura?"

Sterling smiles. "Dear sister, this isn't Laura. This is Victoria."

I look up at Sterling in astonishment. He carries himself in such a graceful manner. I never would have imagined that he would be Estelle's brother. I suddenly understand all the kindness and the help. Nothing but hidden agendas.

I want to run but Sterling pulls me to his side. He whispers into my ear, "You want revenge, don't you? Let me help."

I stare at him in disbelief. I don't know how to deal with this situation. I'm like a puppet, being manipulated by Sterling. He introduces me as his wife to all the guests, and tells a story of how we fell in love at first sight on a beach in California.

I can't accept the fact that Sterling has been lying this whole time, and I push him away. I want to leave. Sterling grabs my hand. I lean to him and whisper, "Why are you doing this?"

He whispers back, "Because it's what I want." I feel his breath on my ear and it sends tingles down my neck.

Music begins to play. Sterling pulls me onto the dance floor without asking. Did he know that I could dance? Of course he would. He paid off my student debt, he would know my major.

Our graceful movements win the attention of the guests, and all are captivated. I'm in Sterling's arms, but my eyes follow Percy wherever he goes. As he stands beside Estelle, Percy's eyes never leave me either. He raises a glass of champagne to me in a mock toast.