Chapter 6

I come back a few minutes later, more presentable, and sit across from Gabriel with Sterling at the head of the table. Becca has made steak and eggs for breakfast, and I stare hungrily at my plate. I pick up my knife and fork and blush a bit. I've never really gotten the hang of a knife and fork, and I make a fool of myself as I try to cut a piece.

"Here, give it to me," Sterling says. He takes my plate before I can respond and he cuts my steak into bite-sized pieces. I thank him when he gives it back, and I enjoy the meal silently as Sterling and Gabriel discuss the papers that Gabriel brought him.

Later that day, Sterling and Gabriel are still talking, still doing paperwork. I feel restless, and there isn't much to do in Sterling's apartment. I can't watch TV because they're using the living room. I walk around the apartment and find a vase full of flowers, and I move them around, matching the colors together in concentric circles. I hear Gabriel and Sterling talk nearby. I don't understand what they're talking about. It's all business.

I make some tea and wait for the kettle to whistle. When the water is hot, I pour three cups and bring two of them to Sterling and Gabriel. They both look at me and smile and thank me. I get my own cup and move to the other end of the room to let them continue their business, but Gabriel calls me back.

"Victoria, we need to talk," he says, sipping at his tea. He drinks it without cream or sugar, and that's oddly charming. Sitting next to him, Sterling stirs in three spoonfuls of sugar. I don't know why this bothers me.

I come to the sofa and sit beside them. "What is it?" I ask.

"You're going to be moving back to Sterling's home with him."

I stare at Sterling in surprise, but he stands up and walks to look out the window over the city.

"I thought this was his home," I say to Gabriel. "Why do I have to go with him?"

Sterling turns from the window. "You remember our arrangement, don't you?"

"Yes, but I wasn't aware of all the terms when I signed the contract. You're just using me to get back at Percy for some reason, and I'm not okay with that."

Sterling laughs. "Oh no, Percy is...he's only a small part of all this. I have bigger fish to fry, as they say. When all this is over, Victoria, I promise your reward will more than replace anything you would have lost."

I stare at my tea and wish I had added more sugar. "I need to think about it."

"For how long?" Sterling asks.

"How long can you give me?"

Sterling shrugs. "Three days. Then we'll be heading back to my house in Kingston."

I shake my head in confusion. "What is all this about, anyway?"

Sterling comes back to the sofa and pats Gabriel on the shoulder. "Can you give us a minute, Gabe?"

Gabriel nods and leaves us alone in the living room. Sterling stares at the vase of flowers that I was playing with earlier.

"I need a solid answer," I tell him. "No more riddles. Please."

"I need you to help me figure something out."

"Is it about Laura?" I ask.

"Yes." Sterling looks straight at me. There is no lie in his eyes or any secrets.

"Why me?"

"Because you look like her," he says. "It's uncanny how much you look like her…" His voice trails off as his eyes scan me all over.

"So, everything since meeting in front of the shop on the street," I say, "it was all part of your plan? You saw me and knew I'd be perfect for your plan because I look like Laura. Did you know about Percy and me?"

He shook his head. "I didn't know about that until later. I have to admit, it's a strange coincidence."

I set my tea down and frown at him. "What if I refuse to help anymore?"

"I won't force you." Sterling sifts through the pile of documents Gabriel brought and takes out a sheet of paper and a plane ticket to Kingston with my name on it. The paper is a marriage certificate, already notarized by Gabriel himself and stamped with the official state seal. All that's missing is my own signature beside Sterling's. "It's your choice," he says. He hands me a pen.

I can hear that street artist outside, playing his guitar and singing.

I need someone beside me

In everything I do

You know I love you

I always will

I don't want to be taken advantage of. I don't want to be used like a tool or a weapon or a trophy or a key to some secret lock that keeps Sterling from whatever it is he wants.

But I'm also tired of not being appreciated, not being loved, being underestimated. Percy never loved me. He may never have even respected me. At least Sterling sees some kind of potential in me, something that he hasn't been able to articulate fully in my presence. I don't know what he sees, but I know he sees something.

And that's why I sign the marriage certificate.

I set the pen down and look up at Sterling. "Just tell me one thing."

He raises his eyebrows at me. Suddenly the signed certificate seems like a third person in the room. "What is it?" he asks me.

"Do you still love Laura?"

A slight laugh escapes his nose, like a sharp exhale. "Do you love Gabriel?" he asks me.

I wasn't expecting that. I don't know how to respond, so I just stare.

"We're done, then." Sterling puts the certificate back in the pile of papers and hands me my ticket. "Let Becca know if you need anything for the trip. Clothes, or whatever."

He leaves, taking the documents with him. I make some more tea and listen to the guitarist sing. I can't hear him well enough to understand the lyrics.