Chapter 16

Someone lifts me and sets me on a smaller bed, and I realize it's a gurney as they wheel me out of the room and down the hall. I can't see much as I still can't move my head, but we travel a long distance and turn down several hallways that are all dark and ominous.

Finally they wheel me into a large open room with a spotlight in the center, and I'm placed directly in the light. From my narrow perspective, I think I can see the shadows of several people sitting in chairs, all looking at me.

A woman's voice comes from a speaker above me. "Lot twelve is in her early twenties. White. Dark blonde hair. Brown eyes. One-hundred and thirty pounds. Certified pure. The bidding starts at one-hundred thousand dollars."

From the shadowed crowd, spectators raise their numbered paddles.

"One-hundred fifty thousand," says the voice from the speaker. "Two-hundred. Three-hundred."

I lay there and think maybe Hell wouldn't be so bad compared to this, and the bids rise to 500,000 dollars.

Someone in the audience stands up and says, "One million."

The crowd murmurs as all the heads look at him.

There is the sound of a small bell ringing, and the speaker voice says, "Lot twelve to guest number fifty-two, sold at one million dollars."

Someone wheels my gurney out of the light and out of the room, down the same dark hallways and into the room where I was before. At least, I think it's the same room, but there's no way to know for sure.

The man pushing me lifts me from the gurney and places me in the bed, then takes my arm and injects me with something. I barely feel the needle, but the effects of the drug are almost immediate, and I feel myself falling asleep.

The man leaves the room, and I force myself to stay awake as long as I can. The room grows dark and my mind is filled with cobwebs.

Then the door opens again and my buyer enters the room. I try to say, "Please don't," but it just comes out like the cry of a frightened kitten.

Hands grasp my shoulder and lift me up to a sitting position. Just before the final darkness closes in, I look at the man.

"It's alright," Sterling says. "You're safe now…"

Sterling sat on the bed and stared at Victoria. There was anger inside him. Rage. How dare these people take her and do this to her? How dare they make him come to her rescue?

What was that he was feeling… Worry? Concern?

Victoria was asleep. Unconscious. They had drugged her just before he entered, tried to get her ready for the first night with her buyer. This would complicate things.

Sterling looked around the room and thought about the next step. He would have to carry her. He had never carried a whole adult in his arms before and he hoped he could do it. He would have to, there was no other choice.

He patted Victoria's cheeks, trying to get her to open her eyes. "Victoria. Hey, wake up. Please!" He couldn't be too loud. They were probably listening outside. And who knew how many secret cameras were all over this place…

Then a hand stroked Sterling's back, and he looked down at Victoria. She was moving, her eyes still closed. A small mumble came from her mouth, and he bent low to hear her.

"Kiss me," she whispered, then grabbed his shirt.

Sterling forced her hands away from him. The drug must have been more than a depressant. Some sort of inhibitor. Perhaps an amphetamine, like MDMA or something like it, something synthesized by this organization for their own needs.

Victoria's legs snaked around Sterling's waist and hugged him tightly. A moan came from her throat and Sterling tried to wrestle out of her grasp.

"Stop it," he hissed at her. "I'm trying to come up with a plan…" He moved her legs from his body like someone would remove a pair of pants. He bent over and planted a soft kiss on Victoria's forehead, and she cooed and was still.

Somehow I have to carry you out of here, he thought. But how, without drawing attention? Surely those in charge here would recognize my face…

Victoria put her hands through Sterling's hair and pulled.

"Ow!" he shouted, pulling her hands away.

Her hands pulled at the buttons on his shirt, and one of them popped off. Her fingers found their way to his bare chest and felt around.

Sterling sighed. Maybe I'll have to do this...just to get her through the effects of the drug. And they might be watching outside, so it would be good to divert suspicion. But would it be right? I might not have a choice.

Sterling rolls over me, his hands caressing my back and fingers running down my spine. My back arches like a cat as he kisses my neck and my lips, and all my pent-up desire is released. I let out a deep moan and put my hands through Sterling's hair.

My mind is foggy, and my awareness of everything is thick like melted glass. Through this veil I watch Sterling undress, and then undress me like he's unwrapping a present. I wrap my legs around his waist and rub my hands over his chest and abdomen. He grabs my waist.

I feel his tongue on my lips, my neck, my breasts, down all the way from my ribs and my belly, down, down...then he's between my legs and heat floods me like wildfire. I'm shivering, almost convulsing as his mouth and tongue work magic, my hands combing and pulling at his hair as I scream out. He looks up at me.

"Don't stop," I say with a breath.

He trades his mouth for his hand, and his face comes up to meet mine, and our mouths meet as his hand becomes just as busy as his tongue was moments ago. Then his hand comes out and he mounts himself over me, and I stare at his cock, then my back arches again and I let out a loud moan as it enters me. It almost hurts. He's almost too big for me. But my legs are wrapped around him and I squeeze, bringing him tighter and forcing him farther inside me. I'm so wet now. His mouth made sure of that.

Our bellies touch and Sterling's hips begin their rhythm as he props himself up with one hand and uses the other on my tits. I lift my hands over my head. Sterling sits up on his knees and lifts my waist up, then thrusts harder.