
The sun was streaming through my window curtains, landing on my eyes eyelids, I rubbed my brows, rolling out of the bed as my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the sun pouring through.

I abruptly sat up and looked at my phone, 7:30am; I forced my eyes open as I grabbed my jogging wears and made my way down the stairs with my AirPods in tack. As I walked past the dinning table, the scene from last night jogged back to my memory; I stopped, moved closer to the table, examine the whole place. My headache as I kept remembering the fuss, the pull, the slaps, the punch and cussed words we used on each other, giving out a heavy sign, I turned and walked through to the door, closing it behind me.

The streets were full as usual with Different people, everybody on their destination, Seoul was full of life, minding one's business is part of life here.

I stopped at a spot, bring out my phone to check the Mail I sent to the school authority, I lied about visiting the hospital for my check-up and will report late to school; that's part of life, I thought as I jogged down the basketball court.


On a rectangular court, a young man is seen resting with his hair backward on the chair above his hair; his dark inky hair looks like it was style combed by a hairstylist, the way he restlessly laid himself just a look at him one will be convinced that he is tired.

The sun shined it golden rays on him, and he lay there unmoved, making it seem that the sun had no effect on him; after a minute, he rises and walked towards the court holding the ball along with him.

Jogging down the Basketball court, I came across a handsome player, the cold aura he gave didn't hide his handsome face, as he stared at the net with the ball in his hand.

"Yoongi… came a male voice who ran to catch up with him; the young man didn't bother at all by the friend shouting his name, instead he slowly runs and tossed the ball inside a net, making a score which comes with joy and clapping from people who are just watching.

He gave out his two fingers heart shaped to his cheerers still maintaining his cold aura; he held the ball again in one of his hand, ran his other hand backwards across his head as he runs again, tossing the ball with a speed in the net, making another score that spark a loud cheering and clapping from the small crowd;

I just stood and watched the young man. He is handsome, no doubt coupled with the way he bears his body while walking, his biceps were showing, and he gave that smirk coupled with a shoulder laugh, the crowd were drooling and screaming his name.

Yoongi! Yoongi!! Yoongi… Seeing the way the crowd had gone out of control, screaming and cheering his name, he tilted his head and gave another two fingers shaped heart to the crowd, which stirred another roar from them.

"What so special about him, I muttered as I jogged past the court finding my way home.


Entering my house, I saw Becky sitting at the dressing mirror, combing her hair ; I walked past her to freshen up, once I was done, I returned to my room to get dressed.

A knock came immediately I finished applying my lip gloss and I knew who it was. Opening the door, I came face to face with her.

" I can call the school for a leave" she said, tearing her eyes away from me.

"No need for that, Becky, I have everything in control." I said, walking past her; she must be hurting. "Well. So am I." I muttered as I grabbed my bag and made my way towards the door, leaving Becky to do whatever, ever, that pleases her.

I rushed down to the bus station, and I was lucky to find a bus in time, hurriedly to sit beside a lady. I was told that it wasn't for me; I turned and looked at her, giving her that gaze that can send her flying.

Likewise, I'm definitely not in a good mood, so I have to stand on the bus, supporting myself with a strong-string.

I grumbled as I held the bus hold to balance my stand before the bus took off, I was standing when an elderly man signalled me to come sit beside him.

This is humanity I thought as I hurried to grab the seat I was offered… I bring out my phone and decided to play one or two songs, resting my head on the bus window I was lost in thoughts.