A New Era

Once the school was over, I happily packed my bag since its the weekend and I will be joining Jimin and his Hyung for the after school practice.

I giggled as I packed my stuff. I knew the school practice room and I hurried there. Entering the hall, I was stunned at the scene that caught my eyes.

Jimin and his Students has set the practice room ablaze with their intensive dancing; Jimin lived to his name of professional dance teacher and his voice as he sings and danced to the music.

Hoseok was just majestically seated crossing his legs, he has this unique sitting position, the way he bears his body, inspecting Jimin and his students and the way he applauds them from his look.

The Students danced and danced until there was nothing left again for them. Not even Jimin was left out from the consistent practice, after the practice, all slumped to the floor catching their breath before the school bus came.

After the students left with the school bus, Hoseok and Jimin decided to drop me off at home. Even after much pleading with them that I can handle myself, the two refuses to ponder to my pleads and I had no other excuses than to join the car.

Without much arguing, the car set out on the road, Jimin was the one driving, Hoseok was sitting in the front, and I was the only one in the back seat; after a series of silence I decided to break it by complementing the dance again. "you did very wall Jimin…i mean the dance it was mind-blowing and the energy exhibit was great."

"Thanks Bella…but I urge you to wait until tomorrow to see the real dance."

Jimin said without tearing his eyes from the road; since I didn't understand what he meant by those saying I had no other option than to nod in agreement.

Soon we arrived and I signalled him to park in the car park to avoid attracting caretaker report of illegal parking; adjusting myself while looking at the car center mirror, "what time should I come tomorrow"..I asked them and Hoseok was quick to answer.

"Thee students' practice starts 7:00Am tomorrow, since you are not practicing with them 8:00Am, is that okay by you."

Ever since he applied that medicated tape on me, he has been avoiding my gaze, I refused to be bothered by it, bidding them goodbye but just as I was about to grab the door, Hoseok came down and opened it for me.

"Let me walk you down your door steps." He offered with his two hands inside his pocket, after pondering for a few seconds.

I agreed and the two of us strolled down the lane to my house, leaving Jimin, who refused to join us. "Jimin must be tired".. I said to him.

"As he should… How far is your house?" He asked me."

"Just a few minutes."I said, pointing at a building which I know he couldn't tell which is which because of the whole building lighting up and looking alive, light shines from all houses, giving it a new meaning, the street is alive at night.

"I'm m happy you came to help Jimin prepare for the competition"... I said, still trying to find the right thing to say.

"I hope you are enjoying your stay in Seoul and there is no reason to put Seoul in your blacklist"... I stood still at his words, I wasn't expecting that, and his sounded amusing to me as well.

"Don't be late tomorrow."

I heard him and I shook my head. "You can never tell."

I'm being serious right now Bella, Now tell me. He turned to face me with his hands akimbo.

"What do you have to say about Seoul, and don't tell me you already put them in your blacklist."

I laughed out at his statement.

As if he read my mind, he held my hand, which made my heart skip a bit. I wasn't expecting him to hold me, and never did I think holding hands comes with its own feelings.

I was too shocked that I couldn't answer his questions, I cleared my throat and I was able to find my voice. "Well…not that I keep records of my bad experiences, I think I have to be more careful about how I interact with people to avoid being misjudged.

He must have been pleased with my answer as he nodded in agreement.

"I'm m glad to hear that"..still holding my hands as we walked; my mind keeps drifting off and on that I didn't realize we had arrived.

"We are here"...I announced, pointing to the door of my Building.

Hoseok surveyed my surroundings and nodded. "this is a beautiful place" are you living alone?"...he asked while leaning at the entrance door.

"No !no… I have an elder sister… I said.

"Wow!!.. That's nice…see you tomorrow then"..he said, taking his leave.

I bid him good night watching him walk down the park lots, as soon as he was out of sight, I turned and ran towards my apartment door.

The heat was too much for me to handle, his voice, his laughter leaning against the room door. I tried to inhale deeply to calm the intense mind.