Clumsy Obedience.

I entered the Practice Room and all the attention was on me, I knew I was late, and I didn't even know what to say rather than cause more confusion.

I decided to gambit to save myself as I intended to give out my gamine action, my eyes landed on Hoseok and I swallow hard the lumps that formed in my throat.

He has that fury look and furrowed face. I wasn't expecting an applauding welcome, neither was I expecting him to get angry for my late coming.

I grasped my bag, unable to move, he ignored me and beckoned the students to continue with their rehearsal.

My visit was an expected, and I can see surprised written on their faces; I stood there for what seemed like a minute watching Hoseok and his crew doing a small talk which I never understand because they use Hangul.

I heard him call me with a lax tone, I moved to his seated position, lowering my eyes. I didn't like this feeling and to make things worst, he stood up and ordered me to follow him.

Likewise, I wasn't expecting this treatment just today he is making me look like an errand girl, I feel like challenging him but something in me disagree giving me no choice than to walk right behind his back.

Immediately we arrived at his table, he turns to me looking at his watch," 8:50AM Bella."

I didn't know what to say, I was seriously fighting myself about how to tell him off.

"Make up excuses, Bella." But my emotions weren't buying it. I am already having a bad day from my talk with Bella and not being able to catch a bus.

All this is enough to break a person down, but still, I manage to look past it but due to my melancholic nature, my emotions already piled up.

I didn't want my emotions to betray me, seeing the way my vision was becoming blurry, I wanted to run to the bathroom, but that will be a disrespect.

Likewise, I fought my tears as hard as I could and luckily for me, I won even though my voice was fuzzy, at least it's better than tearing up.

He told me he needed an explanation or maybe valid excuses for coming late and since I was unable to provide any, he decided to punish me.

The word punishment left me dumbfounded.

"Don't joke around." I muttered, but he was damn serious.

How did things turn out this way? How did I arrive here? An educated lady like me, staff of the school, an English, and Literature teacher turn into this? Jeez..... I hate this. I hate that my strength betrayed me, not even my brain stand up by me."

It seems my brain and strength all ran and hidden inside the basement, leaving me alone to defend myself.

I wondered the kind of punishment I will receive until I heard him speak.

" The students are having a one-hour break, and you are to make and serve them a cup of coffee each".

His voice and tone came with a command which made my heart boiled with anger, I wanted to yell at him to shove it off.

I wanted to be rude, I had this urge to pick my bag and exist the room; This urge to yell "Screw you and your student's coffee while running out of the room.

I just stood still watching him surfing his laptop without a care.

"Are you now my new boss… The heck is you to command me around."

I didn't sign up for this." I mumbled, making my way towards the coffee machine.

Bringing out the ingredients for the coffee, I know there are different types of coffee, but I wasn't able to process the exact one the students like.

I don't even know how to make the coffee in the first place. "Yes call me the spoiled brat' Not only that, I was bothered about on how to serve Twenty-five different students plus Hoseok and Jimin, making them twenty-seven, how on earth will I be able to deliver absolutely without a comma and to make the matter worst I can't even operate the coffee machine.


I bit my lips, clenched my fists. The anger in me is beyond control, this doesn't sound like punishment to me but torture, in fact, making this coffee is my worst nightmare.

 I was about to dash to him to pour out my anger when his voice came through

"Do you need some help"… I knew that voice, yes, that soothing voice. I nodded as I came face to face with Jimin.

He gave me that smile making his way towards the table, I just stood in the corner watching him prepare the coffee and in the next ten minutes we're done.

"Wow… Jimin…. Thank you so much." I pout at him cheerfully.

I summon the students handling them each a cup of coffee, all thanks to Hoseok for turning me into their Barista.

They bowed with a smile as each received theirs, I was happy at least this doesn't sound like a punishment again in fact, it was fun that I feel like doing it again and again.

Once I finished serving the students their drink, Jimin prepared Hoseok coffee and asked me to serve him, which I gladly accepted.

I carried his coffee on a small beautiful sauce plate that serves as a tray, I had this urge to spill this coffee on his immaculate shirt. I just wanted him to feel a little anger of what I feel today, as I walked towards him, I shoved the thought away I would rather not be an instrument in the devil's hand.

Likewise, I set the coffee on the table, turning to take my leave, but he beckoned me to sit on the chair besides him, browsing his Laptop he grabbed the cup of coffee without even tearing an eye from the screen.

"Check those sites out "….he motions me to look at the screen which displayed different sites written in Hangul, my face shows displeasure since I didn't understand what was written there. He just wanted to show off.

I acted as if I understood a thing, focusing my eyes even though my mind wasn't there.

"Why don't you tell me you can't prepare coffee…not to mention handling a coffee machine".

I would rather not hear those talks, he should have asked me first before commanding me around like his errand girl…

"If I should tell you, will that make you relieve my punishment". I blurted out.

He gave out that heavy laughter, running his fingers across his hair, I hate his guts his attitude and Becky's attitude are of the same, he was acting exactly like his twin Becky.

"No… Bella…but I would have to teach you…or maybe assign you another punishment.

I was expecting him to applaud me for my first attempt, but it looked like I'm not getting any, so I decided to ask for myself.

Aren't you going to applaud me"… I made a poker face to him, expecting a cool reply.

"Applauding you for what Bella… I like your courage" he said... I wanted to smile… At least he's saying something nice…not until I heard him shout out.

"Jiminah.....gomasseumnida"…he said, turning to me with a smirk.

I drift my gaze away from his face, I understand that word "Thank you" I hate him." I mumbled, only for my ears to be filled with his laughter.

"Okay, since you want an applaud. Why not show me how you prepared it"….he said, leaning towards my face

I wasn't expecting that, is he playing hide and seek with me.

I shook my head in disagreement not because I was tired nor scared, but because I did not understand how Jimin prepared the coffee, not to mention how he handled the machine.

Standing up from his seat, he beckoned me to follow him, which I did without hesitation.

He furled his white shirt, motioned me to grab a cup and listen to him, which I did.

"One of the first steps to using a coffee machine is to fill the machine with water, coffee makers come with markings on the units, put the filter inside, grind your beans and add coffee to the basket, brew your coffee, turn the machine off the machine, pour and enjoy."

"You can also use any kind of milk you want from whole skim cow milk to almond, Soy or coconut milk. Or any kind of milk in between as long as you love it."

I followed his words step by step and the result was excellent.

We did a fantastic work, and he gave me a thumb up, sipping his coffee like wise me.

The joy of being his student once more makes me happy. I beamed with smiles standing at the same spot watching him as I sipped my coffee.

With all those feelings of gladness, the joy I was feeling holding that cup of coffee I wanted to turn to him when things fell out of hand "No! No!! No." ….I messed up.