Chapter 50: Rooting for them always

"How is Bella?" Jimin asked immediately he saw Hoseok strolling down the stairs.

"Getting herself ready; where is Jin hyung, I need to prepare something for her," he said advancing towards the cupboard.

"Hyung I know this is not the right time to say it, but I want to ask aren't you telling Bella who you are as in expressing your feelings.?

"Alright..... alright... alright" was his response to him.

Jimin blinked and stare at his hyung,  he has always been curious about how Bella will react when she finally find out who his hyung is, and not only that he noticed also Bella fancied his hyung even though she doesn't show it but he can tell by reading her body language. If not which girl will accept a piece of advice given to him by a total stranger not only that he had watched their communications during the practice and he can solely tell by the way the two carry themselves always acting clingy like they are long lost lovers.

He just wants his hyung to be happy and if being together with her will keep his smile then he is going to support him like he always does. They always support and seek out one another, reason he wasn't bothered when his hyung told him about Bella.

He remembered the day his Hoseok hyung came back, tired and bothered; his expression wasn't good. The mood he was stirred all up and without saying anything to them walked up to his room. Everybody was surprised as they went after him; all worried about his condition, only for them to find out it was only Bella's absence at the studio that caused all these moods.

He remembered they each took turns to brighten up his gloomy state.

"Why don't you talk to her when you have the chance, you just watch her until she disappears; who should be blamed now."

He remembered Yoongi hyung scolding the living day out of him. The night was dead as the only sunshine in their life was missing, but thanks to Taehyung and Jungkook that played a major role by sticking to his side till the three fell asleep right on the couch.

In the morning everything returns to normal like nothing happened, even though sometimes he shows regret but he never allows the situation to faze him. He carry out his duties like nothing happened and before they could say Jack, the latter was already back to his normal self.

He was already emitting his warm and lovely aura that makes him special and different.

But now Bella is here he wondered why his hyung is still delaying, has he lost interest already or has he friend-zoned her? Jimin looked at him, he was too curious to know what is going on in his hyung mind. He had thought since the two reunite maybe they will kick things off immediately but it seems his hyung is the one delaying it or maybe Bella doesn't seem interested in any intimate relationship maybe being friends is just the best.

Jimin racked his brain trying to solve the puzzle in his head but it seems nothing is working out. He just doesn't want his hyung to miss another opportunity of being with the woman he loves but what can he do now, screaming at his hyung to take action won't work and it will sound rude from all aspects and he doesn't want to get his hyung and his other brothers angry.

"Kindly exist the kitchen I want some space," Seokjin said immediately he entered the kitchen, he started bringing out condiments and utensils.

"Where is Jungkook? He swirls around nonchalantly.

"Hyung I wanted to cook something for Bella"

"Giving her another allergen right? Seokjin scoffed, and Hoseok frowned.

"A boyfriend that doesn't know her girlfriend dos and doesn't; what are you? He teased him, making Hoseok crease his brows.

"We aren't dating"

"Not dating? Until she disappeared again, and trust me I won't console you this time." He teased him, and Hoseok chuckled.

"Jungkook!!!! Seokjin called in a loud voice.

"Hyung," Jungkook answered from upstairs and strode down the stairs immediately.

"Mind helping your hyung?

Jungkook nodded and soon the two already washing and stirring their pots.

Hoseok quietly pour his coffee into his mug and plonk himself on one of the long kitchen stools but before he could grab his mug making way to take a sip, he heard a scream which startled them.

"What happened?" The men widened their eyes at each other.

They wonder where the screaming was coming from and Hoseok thinking it was coming from the game room continue with what he was doing but the screaming did not stop and this time around they panicked.

"What is wrong with Taehyung and his friends!! What game are they playing this early morning....he paused and peeked at Jimin.....BEL... BELLA..... He zoomed out, stomping the stairs as if chased by lightning with Jimin striding behind him.

"BELLA....he scream as he banged on the door, rushing inside the room but was shocked by what he saw.

He don't know if he should yell at her or pity her cause the scene he met was just so funny at the same time. Even Jimin who was running in panic was short of words. He just stared at Bella who was curled up with the window curtains. A chuckle left their mouths at the sight of her and she puffed at them her cheeks already red.

A cute hairy puppy was chirping, hopping, and running around Hoseok, wiggling its tail in excitement. Bella gaped at the sight displaying at her front.

"His name is Yeontan," Hoseok said lifting the cute puppy onto his bosom, stroking his hairy body. "Say hi to Bella." He throws her a gaze and she immediately avert her face.

"Scared of dogs?" He asked with his eyes widened.

"No..." She lied. She had this phobias for dogs since childhood, so she stay miles away from them.

"Come here." He stretch out his hand but she stepped back immediately making him to paused; as if he read her mind, he hand Yeontan back to Jimin who cuddle it up on his chest.

Shaking his head as he approached her but the latter keep pushing backward.

"You know you will pull down the curtains Bella."

He points out to her, making her understand she is leaning and dragging the curtain like it will shield her from any harm.

She gradually releases herself, still pushing backward until her back touch the rails of the window and she realized she is at the end of the wall

"Please go and wash your hands" her voice loud, her lips trembled.

Hoseok knows she's scared, this Bella is unpredictable, sometimes she is acting strong; the next moment she is just fragile and a weakling. His mouth turned agape at her statement but he doesn't want to push on in teasing her, so he decided to go wash his hands in the bathroom.

Bella exhale heavily once he left, but immediately he sense Jimin's presence she flash a mischievous smile at him. "Good morning Jiminah."

"I can see you are back to being Bella, how was ur night?"

"I'm fine thank you soooo.....much for all the love and care shown to be frank, I wasn't expecting to be treated like a princess... just a few months of knowing me, I'm already at the top of the world and....."

"Were you expecting us to throw you out from the window or probably asking you to do some menial job for us." he interrupted her. " We are born with love and we show love to our family and friends that is required from nature; you don't give out what you don't have hope you know." He told her and she smiles, nodding at his remarks.

"Scared of dogs," he asked her again.

"No...Never..." she lied but this time she trapped her lips together.

"Prove it by touching Yeontan..." Jimin countered her, bringing Yeontan closer to her and she freak out at him.

"Yah! Jiminnnnnnn" she screams out again and Jimin chortles.

" be frank, I am scared of animals I have this phobia for animals and they seriously freak me out.

"Come on," he urged her. " I'll show you how to rub his back. and probably become its friend... won't that be fun?"

She threw him such an incredulous look that he had to laugh.

"No...Never... I don't have time for such a thing." She looked away. "Becky was the only one who loves animal especially Cats, I don't know what so fun in keeping pets; Dad also loves the animals and urge us to treat them with care but that doesn't apply to me because I don't give them room to be around me."

She paused apparently trying to decide how much of herself she was willing to reveal, at last, she gave up and shrugged her shoulders.

Jimin grinned at her words. "Where were you raised?"

"Somewhere far from where you were raised," she replied sarcastically.

He took a second to study her again, Bella was much better than he expected of last night. "The clothes look good on you," he compliments her.

"Thanks." Her face flushed red. A soft uncertain noise sounded in her ears and she realized it came from Hoseok.

She turned, only to face Hoseok, and then said"I need to use the bathroom."

The men excuse the room, Jimin cuddling Yeontan.