First Day In Another World

The ground was damp, unlike the white fluffy clouds in the previous place. Daylight came through the ceiling of the place where I was laying down. The place was dusty, and I smelled the strong smell of wood.

"Hey, doc, you alright?" the man in the suit helped me to stand up.

I grabbed his hand and stood up, "I'm fine, thanks for asking. So, quick introduction, my name's Alfie, what's yours?"

"Sawyer, you can call me Sawyer. So, Alfie, did you get some kind of device from the higher being or something?" Sawyer asked.

"Yeah, I get one, how about you, Sawyer?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I got this." Sawyer showed a watch in his hand. He pressed on the watch and a holographic screen appeared right on top of the watch. From the looks of it, the hologram looked like a screen with a keyboard, much like a laptop, but holographic.

I lifted my left wrist. A black watch with black straps wrapped my wrist. From the looks of it, it was no different from an ordinary military G-shock watch. When I pressed the top of the watch, the same exact screen also appeared.


Current Objective: Find the vending machine

Inside the screen, there was also an arrow alongside a minimap of the area surrounding us. It looked like the map only showed us the interior of the place itself. There was also a blip on the top left of the minimap.

"Vending machine? Any idea where it is?" I asked.

"No idea, let's just follow the arrow," Sawyer answered.

I followed Sawyer from behind. As I stepped foot, the creaking sound came from the wooden floor. This must have been a building, but what kind of building was this? We eventually left the room we were in and stepped into the darkness.

Inside of the darkroom, it was even harder to see if not from the light that came out of our watches. My shoes eventually kicked a coffee table in the room, I almost fell down but I quickly regained my balance.

I shone the watch on the wall surrounding the room. In front of the room was a fireplace filled with dust. This might be the living room of the house, but I didn't find any light source in that room.

Sawyer came upon a door and rotated the doorknob, but it wouldn't open. The door jammed. "Back off, Alfie, let me handle this." He kicked the door and it fell to the ground, creating a loud bang sound.

The door led to a hallway. The hallway was no different either, it was dark and no sunlight managed to penetrate through the roof. However, in that hallway, the blip on our minimap appeared more clearly.

The minimap showed a blip right on the door in the middle of the hallway. Sawyer walked towards the door and opened the doorknob. The moment Sawyer rotated the doorknob, the doorknob disappeared and a metal door appeared.

"Bulkhead door?"

"You've seen it? A standard in a navy ship," Sawyer turned the door and it revealed stairs leading down. The stairs were lit by fluorescent lamps on the ceiling, indicating that there was electricity there.

We went downstairs, but right after I closed the bulkhead door behind us. Judging from what I had seen, this would lead to some bunker. Eventually, after minutes of walking, I was right as we noticed another bulkhead door.

Sawyer opened the bulkhead door and it revealed another room. In the middle of the room, was something similar to a vending machine, but it didn't sell any drinks. In fact, the appearance of the vending machine was weird, as if it was meant to dispense something specific.

For example, instead of a regular door, the vending machine had a large screen and a keyboard in front of it. The vending machine was also stuck on the ground.

I slid the keyboard into and out of the vending machine. I pressed every key, but the screen didn't want to turn on either. Conclusion? The machine was broken. What was the function of the machine, though? I didn't know anything about it.

"Hmm, what's this thing?" Sawyer asked.

"Some kind of vending machine, can you fix it?" I asked as I fiddled with the machine.

"Let me try..." Sawyer grabbed his swiss knife from the pocket of his suit.

"A swiss knife inside of a pocket? Are you this prepared?" I asked.

"Kinda?" Sawyer went to the back of the machine and started unscrewing the back of the machine.

While Sawyer fixed the machine, I looked around the conspicuous bunker located in the middle of a fantasy world. I felt that there wasn't any air inside the bunker and there wasn't any ventilation system inside the bunker.

I discovered another computer terminal. Same as before, this thing was high-tech with a touchscreen and its slidable keyboard. However, this terminal was embedded in the wall, unlike before.

The terminal turned on automatically once I approached it.

[Bunker Management System]

[Temperature Control: OFFLINE]

[Air Recycler: OFFLINE]

[Water Treatment Plant: OFFLINE]

[Electrical System: OFFLINE]

[Emergency Electrical System: 5%]

[CO2 Level: Dangerous]

[Water Level: 0%]

[Water Treatment: 0%]

[Electrical Integrity: 1%]

[Upgrade Menu] [Maintenance Menu]

I clicked the [Maintenance Menu]

[Automated Repair System: 10,000,000 Credits]

[Partial Repair System: 100,000 Credits]

Credits? Did this system use some kind of currency? To be honest, the bunker was simply unusable and inhabitable. There were some doors inside the room, but all of them were automated.

I fiddled with the RFID scanner on the side of the door, but it was simply turned off. There was no way to open it with just the emergency electrical system. There was also a notice that the emergency lever for the door was on the other side of the door.

"Ah, done!" Sawyer shouted as he managed to fix the vending machine.

We needed to get out of this bunker, sooner or later or the amount of CO2 would kill us slowly. However, I also wanted to fiddle with the vending machine first. The vending machine door opened slowly, revealing a military-style container in a vertical position.

The container itself was quite big, probably half of my own height. I pulled the container from the vending machine and slammed it on the ground. It was better to open it outside of the bunker. My head started spinning.

"Let's get out of here, there's no ventilation here," I said.

Sawyer agreed and he helped me lift up the container out of the bunker. We climbed as quickly as possible before our heads spun even harder. We got out of the bunker in time and closed the bunker door.

"That was a deadly trap..." I commented.

"Yeah, if you hadn't checked the terminal, I'd probably spent more time than I should," Sawyer replied.

I opened the military container. The first thing that I put my hands on was the flashlight on top of the container. I shone at the lid of the container. There was [Starter Kit] written on top of it. The content was quite generous.

"Hmm, clean clothing, two Glock 17, and some bottled waters and food. Can you use a pistol, Sawyer?" I asked him.

"I can, why?" Sawyer answered.

I grabbed a holster plus the pistol and gave it to Sawyer. In this unknown world, four hands were better than two. After that, I put a holster on my pants, strapped it on my thigh, then put the Glock 17 on it.

For a start, this was great. However, where the hell was we? With a pistol in my right hand and flashlight in my left hand, I began heading for the exit while leaving the container in the hallway.

"Sawyer, let's search for an exit."

"Sure, lead the way, I'll carry the container," Sawyer said as he lifted the container from the ground.

With the flashlight, it became easier to search for the way out of the building. Logically speaking, the end of the hallway should lead to somewhere near the outside of the building. Plus, at the end of the hallway, there was a light coming out from the roof.

At the end of the hallway, I took a left turn. It led me to some sort of entrance with a large unfinished grand staircase covered in moss on the damp section. On the left side, there was a large opening that should have a door on it.

I turned off my flashlight and walked outside of the building. Sawyer put the container at the entrance and he followed me from behind. Looking back, the building was quite big and surrounded by an unfinished steel fence.

"An unfinished mansion? Where the hell are we?"

"Look, a village!" Sawyer pointed his hand at a bunch of houses located on the left side of the mansion.

"Should we head there?" I asked.

"I'm not sure..." Sawyer touched something on my head. His hand felt like touching straight to my head bone. However, I wasn't sure what was the thing that he touched. However, out of the darkness, I noticed the bulge on top of his head.

Well, not bulge, but two triangular horns protruding from his head. Obviously, it was a demonic horn, and it seemed that I had one of those horns too. I put my own hands and grabbed the horns on my head, yeah, it was a legit horn.

"Do you think that's a demonic village?" Sawyer asked.

"Perhaps? Let's just go there, are you fine with that?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure, lead the way, Alfie."