Attack of The Bandits

"Bandits?" I pulled my pistol out of my holster and put it on both of my hands after taking the safety off. I took cover behind the window and peeked outside.

Sawyer had also gone to a very similar stance of taking cover, but he took cover behind one of the doors instead of the window.

Six bandits. Three of them carried a sword, one carried a staff, while the last two were holding a bow. It wouldn't take too long to take them all down. I could hold my own, but how about Sawyer? I had military training, but I wasn't sure about him.

I should protect him at all costs. Without him, I couldn't even do basic maintenance for the bunker if the time came. I better asked him to stay behind me while I handled the enemy. The rangers would be the biggest threat.

"Sawyer, stay behind me," I said as I peeked from behind the window.


Affirmative? What a formal way of responding.

Sawyer had covered the front part. I also heard similar voices from the backdoor. A two-prong attack? Did the higher-being mess with us at this point? We were not even a day in this new world and bandits decided to attack.


Did a woman scream?

I ran quietly towards the backdoor and opened it slowly. As expected, the bandits attacked from two sides. There were even more bandits in the direction of the rest of the houses. They broke into the houses and pulled the women outside.

Fuck, I'm not going to let these women be turned into slaves or sold. I had to act quickly, or I'd lose my chance. Sure, I was alone, but this was not a regular world. I could take some people with only my pistol. Besides, if they were that valuable, they wouldn't kill them.

"Sawyer, stay here!"


I walked out of the backdoor. Immediately, I aimed my gun at one of the bandits and pulled the trigger. The bandit dropped dead immediately on the ground. Suddenly, it went quiet for a moment.

Everyone was surprised by the sudden appearance of a very loud noise coming out of my gun. However, the next second, they shouted and pointed their fingers at my direction. I ran closer to the direction of the houses.

The bandits in the horses began charging in my direction, but one of the horses fell down following a gunshot coming from the guild's direction. The rangers disembarked from their horses and pulled their bows.

I immediately aimed my pistol at the rangers and shot them all down before they managed to launch their arrows. Without any cover in the open field, I dashed into behind the house to take cover and hide from the enemies.

I peeked from behind the corner, a man was running in this exact same direction. I fired my pistol at his torso to slow him down and another one to his head to take him out. I took cover again.

I pulled out my magazine from my pistol. 12 rounds remained inside the magazine. I should have bought spares. Well, it should be enough or had to be enough for this situation, no matter the cost.

"Die you, shithead!" A bandit swung his sword in the direction of my head.

Dodging down, I did a round kick to his leg and he fell down. I grabbed his sword from the ground and stabbed him immediately on his head. He let out a last breath as the sword impaled him right on his nose.

Another bandit came in my direction, I picked up my pistol from the ground and shot the charging bandit in his head. The bandit fell down to the ground immediately with a hole in his head.

A bandit came out between the houses and swung his sword forward. I jumped back to dodge the attack and shot my pistol thrice at his torso. I grabbed his sword from the ground and impaled it on his chest until he was dead.

Swinging my head to the right, another bandit came. I pulled the trigger of my pistol, but it jammed. I pulled out the knife from the bandit's pocket and threw it on his head. The sword missed and hit him in the torso instead.

I cleared the jam on my gun and fired my pistol at the bandit. Six bullets left, should I save it for a well-armored target? I thought so. I put my pistol back in my holster and grabbed one of the swords on the ground.


More bandits came out from the corner. I put both of my hands on the sword to prepare for the incoming attacks. They might think that they had the upper hands here, but to be honest, I didn't think so.

I charged towards the bandit's direction and I charged at them. The bandits swung their swords just in time before I stopped moving. I threw my sword at one of the bandits' chests and I kicked the back of the sword of the other.

The surprised bandit immediately fell down to the ground after I did another round kick to his face. I slashed his throat with the sword and stabbed the other one in the chest. Another bandit came and I threw a sword in his direction.

The bandit countered the sword throw by parrying his sword. However, I pulled my pistol out and shot it at his head. Behind him, two people were standing with some sort of circular formation appearing in front of them.

After that, a very fast magical arrow flew in my direction. I laid down on the ground and took aim with my pistol. I shot them both with my pistols before they fell to the ground. I stood up and ran towards the other side.

When would they stop coming, damn it?

After that, an unexpected person appeared in front of me. Sawyer pulled the trigger of his pistol twice, killing two people that were guarding the hostages. Wait, he managed to kill all of the horse riders? That's impressive.

I approached Sawyer, "Man, that's impressive."

Sawyer then aimed his pistol at my temple, "Cut the crap, who the hell are you?"

I lifted my hands in the air. "Sawyer, you don't really want to do this."

I dropped my head down and kicked Sawyer's leg. He fired the pistol, almost hitting my head. I disarmed him, but he retaliated with another kick to my face. I countered the kick with my hand, and he punched me in the gut.

"As expected, a government assassin, eh?" Sawyer commented.

"You're pretty good, the agency sent you?"

He immediately threw a kick to my crotch, I countered it with both of my hands before I did the exact same thing to him. He threw a punch at my face, I countered it and punched him twice in the face.

He grabbed one of the bandit's knives. He slashed it multiple times, I jumped backward and grabbed a sword. "Tell me which government agency you're from, Alfie!" Sawyer shouted.

"Nobody," I smiled.

I swung my sword in his direction. He countered it all with his puny knife before throwing it right into my shoulder. The knife stabbed right through. With no time to inspect the wound, I swung my sword at Sawyer before he kicked the sword down and countered it.

He charged in my direction. I saw an opening and released a chain of punches to his face. After that, I stabbed my knife right on his shoulder. He groaned in pain and he pulled my pistol out of my holster.

Realizing that, I immediately jumped for Sawyer's disarmed pistol and aimed it at his head. Both of us didn't pull the trigger. In our heads, the same exact question arose. "Who the hell are you? What are you doing in here?"