
"Well, quite a setup you got here, Sawyer."

The living room where we found the fireplace got repurposed to be a place to sleep. There was no couch to be used as a cushion, but Sawyer used the spare clothing wrapped in a clear plastic bag to be used as a pillow. Still, there was also a military sleeping mat.

The fireplace was also lit on fire. He cleaned the wooden floor with I didn't know what, bottom line, it was clean. In the middle of it was our military container. I hadn't checked the content of the military container.

"Hmm, have you checked the content?"

"Nope, why don't you go first?" Sawyer asked.

I opened the military container. There was more stuff than food and water. In particular, I hadn't noticed the content strapped into the lid of the container itself. Had we noticed it earlier, the combat would be less chaotic, I guess?

I grabbed the M16A4s from the lid of the container and put them on the ground. Both rifles were unloaded and the magazines were all taped together on the lids. I also put out the ten magazines on the ground. All of them were filled with 5.56x45 mm bullets, M855 to be exact. It was also equipped with standard ACOG scopes.

"Standard-issue Marine Corps-ish rifle?" Sawyer commented as he lifted the rifle from the ground.

"Yeah. It seems to be functioning rather well, too," I said.

"What else?" Sawyer asked.

I brought out a white bag with a red cross. It was obvious what the content was, a medic bag for threatening injury. I opened the zipper of the medic bag, and yeah, it should be enough for basic bleeding or a heavy one.

There were suturing kits, bandages, two bags of IVs, basic essential medicines, etc. It also contained the silver tools that I would use for surgery. The bottom line, the medical bag was for a medical situation where a hospital was simply unavailable. I put the medic bag in the corner of the room. I'd fix our wounds later, I just didn't feel like this would be the best time. Besides, the bleeding had stopped.

"That's a North American Federation military uniform, isn't it?" I commented on the clothing that was wrapped in a clear plastic bag.

"Yeah, I also found boots in there."



Sadly, I didn't find any humongous rucksack, but well, I can put the magazines for the rifles inside of my pants pocket. Still, there was an assault backpack with 67L of storage. It should be enough to store several essential needs such as bottled waters.

"Anything else interesting?"

"Well, these two machetes," I put two machetes on the floor.

"Hmm, great, anything else?"

"Well, I don't know what you found on the clothing package. And yeah, that was it, I didn't find anything else." I sat down on the ground after grabbing a package of MRE.

A 24-hour ration was its name. It is separated into three packagings, each for one meal. I tore apart one of the packages. I reheated one of the instant food packages using the heating bag. I put it right near my clothing.

Next stop, I picked up the medic bag and approached Sawyer. I opened his clothing and cleaned his wound. Well, if we hadn't tried to kill each other earlier, this shouldn't have happened. I closed the wound with sutures and bandages.

After that, I sat down on the ground and did the same thing to myself. I wouldn't want anyone on my side to be injured. Besides, I wouldn't know what happened a second later in this unknown world. It could be possible that a dragon would attack sooner or later.

"Sawyer, why don't you change your suit into the spare clothing?" I asked.

"Good idea, to be honest, I'm thinking the same thing. You know, in case I'd need to meet kings or something," Sawyer said.

"Correct," I smiled.

Sawyer grabbed one of the spare military clothes. He went into another room and changed his clothing into the military uniform. He came out of the other room. I knew that he was a military guy after he took off the suit. He looked more confident, and his haircut was fitting with his uniform.

"Sweet," I commented.

"It reminds me of the conflict that I participated in," Sawyer commented.

"Of course, you are CIA, you are bloody everywhere," I replied.

"Really? As if you are not one," Sawyer chuckled.

"Used to be one," I said.

"Among the paramilitary, you're quite popular. Of course, the moment Bell came out, I knew you. Too bad that I don't even know your face or your front name," Sawyer said.

"Oh, so that's why you immediately recognized my name. So, you suspected me to be a foreign agent at first due to my fighting skill? Or did you suspect me from the get-go?" I asked.

"Both. I suspect you from the get-go due to how bloody calm you were when you faced that old man and you were practically slaughtering a huge amount of bandits all by yourself while maintaining little to no injury," Sawyer said.

"I see. Well, it's understandable, I guess, even though I wouldn't do that if I were you," I said.

"You sure? You only could say that because you are retired."

I changed into the spare military clothing and picked up the assault rifle from the ground and carried it with my hands. I put two spare magazines into my pocket. I didn't want my only suit to be dirty.

"Where are you going?" Sawyer asked.

"Just want to take a walk around, don't worry," I answered.

"Alright, I'll prepare this place more," Sawyer said.

I left the abandoned mansion. I headed back to the village. The sun was still above my head. I wanted to head back to the guild office. If my thought was correct, that's the only place where I could reliably get money from finishing the contract.

In the guild office, Sumia was in her usual place, sitting down in front of the administration table. However. she was wearing plate armor with her helmet right on top of the table and the sword on her hip.

"Hey, I'm interested in guild registration," I said.

"Oh, is that so? Well, just fill this document, and you're set," Sumia gave a piece of paper.

I filled out the form by filling in my name, my alliance, and my current age. My alliance was neutral so I didn't have to fill anything else. My name was straightforward and my age was straightforward too.

I gave back the form to Sumia. She then crushed the paper into a piece of metal place. The paper disappear into dust and stuck to the metal plate. She then gave the metal plate to me. The metal plate was as big as a regular ID card.

"Ok, quick introduction, if you want to take a quest, always bring the ID card with you, alright? I won't serve anyone without an ID card. For the quest itself, you can take one from the quest board," Sumia said.

"Understandable enough," I answered.

"Anyway, feel free to take the quest. Oh, by the way, the hard quest is on the right while the easy one is on the left," Sumia said.

"Alright, thanks."

Walking to the quest board, I looked at the left board first. The quest was indeed easy. Killing slimes. Retrieving packages. Searching for missing pet. My point was, that this was a quest that didn't require any skill, to be honest.

However, the right quest board fitted my skillset more. Hostage rescue mission. Bounty hunting. Bandit's HQ annihilation mission. Stealing secret documents. I chose one of the hostage rescue missions.

"This one," I put the piece of paper on the table.

"You nuts?" Sumia commented as she grabbed the paper.

"What's wrong with doing hostage rescue?" I asked.

"Well, first of all, you have to fight through a wave of enemy. Second, you have to make sure that the hostage is safe, and lastly, you have to bring it to the nearest guild," Sumia said.

"It sounds manageable. The rewards are also good, right?" I commented.

"Yeah, 10,000 Arleum. So, are you sure that you want to take it?" Sumia asked.

"Yeah, does this paper contain all of the details?" I asked.

"Of course not. Here's the paper that contains the details," Sumia put three sheets of paper as she retrieved the quest paper.

The details were in the paper. The first page contained the full description of the girl. Her height was around the average of a 14-year-old girl. Her hair color was white. She had a missing left horn. Her eyes were blue and she had a wolf-type tail. Her species was wolf demonic beastkin. Hmm, if sold, this girl would cost a lot of money.

The girl was located around six kilometers west of this village, in an abandoned farmhouse that became a lair for criminals. So, he might need more ammunition than three magazines alone. Besides, there was also a risk that this could turn out to be more than a day operation.

"You know, you can borrow my horse," Sumia added.

"Oh, is that so?" I asked back.

"Yup, it's on the back."