I Only Have Two Hands

Through the cloud of gas, through the unknown number of enemies, through the possibility that I had to move out as soon as possible, I needed to do it all. This was not Sawyer's expertise, I couldn't depend on that guy.

"Sawyer, how many hostiles are there?" I shouted to my radio.

"I have taken out three cavalries charge," he reloaded the magazine of his M16, "But more is to come, why do you even ask?"

"Can you hold them off?"

"Can I? Of course I can't hold them off completely, I only have two hands," Sawyer cut the transmission as more silenced gunfire echoed through the radio.

Bloody hell, fuck triage, I needed to get everyone out of this gas cloud. I skipped every identification and just focused on the immediate, no pulse? You're dead. Sorry, but that was the only option.

I grabbed two bodies at once. Two of them were female. I checked on their artery. There were pulses, they were quite far from the grill, after all. I pulled two auto-injectors and put them on their necks. I grabbed the two and ran them to the guild office, sorry, but speed was more of a priority here. I put both of them on the guild receptionist, alongside the little child.

"HELP! SOMEONE SAVE HIM!" Another shout, finally.

I ran into one of the houses. Learning from previous experience, I kicked the front door of the house. Right now, the scene was a little bit different. A woman was holding onto a man who was having a seizure. Fucking nerve gas.

"Wait, I'll help your husband," I said as I grabbed one of the auto-injectors from my first-aid bag.

I injected the pen into his neck. He then stopped having a seizure. How to evacuate this family, though? They were pretty close to the gas, and I didn't know whether it was a good idea to leave the wife and child there.

"Ma'am, I'll inject this thing into your neck, are you fine with that?" I asked as I grabbed two auto-injectors from my bag.

The woman hesitated at first, but after his husband stopped having a seizure, she trusted me enough to stab the auto-injector into her neck. I stabbed the auto-injector into her neck and she screamed in pain. Sorry, but this was necessary.

The next thing, I crouched down on the ground to match the height of her child. The poor girl, now I must inject the pen into her neck after her mother was screaming in pain right in front of her. Well, it couldn't be helped.

"Little girl, I'm sorry," I strangle the child with my left hand and stabbed the needle into her neck very slowly.

The girl cried in pain, but she didn't scream as loud as her mother. I finished injecting and I patted the little girl. "I'm so sorry, I'll give you a candy later, ok?" I smiled, but she wouldn't be able to see it behind my gas mask.

After that, someone kicked on the door. Two bandits immediately entered the house. Before they could say a word, I injected their bodies with 5.56 bullets from my machine gun. The girl screamed alongside the loud noise of the MG4.

"Bloody hell, those bandits..." I muttered as I walked to leave the house. "STAY. HERE!" I shouted as I closed the door to make sure that no more gas entered the building.

The gas had begun dissipating from the wind that had blown the gas in the other direction. Still, where were the other dead bodies, or were they saved? I had no idea, but I plunged into the nerve gas smoke once again.

I searched for bodies across the street. However, it seemed that everyone has returned to the safety of their houses, as evidenced by the lack of bodies on the street. I sighed in relief, but it would also mean that I wouldn't know who would need treatment.


150 rounds of 5.56x45 mm ammunition were fired with accurate precision that it would kill any cavalry in one hit, how many people were outside? I ran towards the guild office to provide cover for Sawyer.

Sawyer came charging with his horse. He immediately disembarked from the horse and ran in my direction. I put my ammo box on the ground and gave it to him. There would be 200 rounds in that ammo box, it should be enough.

"How many of them?" I asked Sawyer.

"A lot, I shot at the people, the horses, but they don't stop coming," Sawyer answered as he refilled his magazines with the ammunition.

"Alright, sit tight, protect Sumia and the others in the guild office, I'll hold them off as long as it'd take," I said.

"Can you do it?" Sawyer asked.

"I can, I have a machine gun, you don't," I said.

"Anything else I should do?" Sawyer asked.

I dropped the first-aid bag on the ground, "Use the auto-injector on the victim of the gas, I'll handle complicated injury later," I instructed Sawyer.

Sawyer nodded in understanding. I whipped my horse and charged toward the enemy. Unlike Sawyer, I wouldn't be able to hide my position since I didn't equip my MG4 with a silencer.

The whole horizon was filled with people mounting on horses. What the hell? Why do people want this village so badly? Or was it because I wiped out a bandit headquarters alongside Sawyer?

I squeezed the trigger of my MG4 and let 5.56 bullets fly at the cavalry charge. The cavalry dropped dead on the ground, and it stopped. Behind the cavalry, a barrage of fireballs flew in an arc towards my direction. I moved my horse outside the line of fire. I pressed the trigger of the MG4 once again to kill all the mages.

"Bloody hell, this is a tsunami of humans," I said to the radio.

"Told you so," Sawyer commented.

I pressed the trigger of my machine gun and the bullet flew in the direction of the cavalry charge again, decimating one team, but more than three others were still charging. How to stop them? Kill them all?

How many waves of humans did they send? And who were their targets? If the targets were us, why would they keep attacking this village? The vending machine was in the goddamn mansion, for fuck sake.

I suddenly hear a shout, "Get that man! Fire illumination balls!"

I looked in that general direction, knowing that there was a leading figure in that direction. I pulled the trigger of my machine gun and mowed down another cavalry charge in that direction. Logically speaking, cutting off the leader should make their charge less efficient.

The other cavalry charge stopped once I killed the leader in their direction. Hopefully, this was a signal that the loss of manpower was too great that it was better to retreat. However, I was dead wrong.

"Everyone! Prepare your fireball! Burn that village to the ground!"

The cavalry charge stopped a meaningful distance away as multiple bright orbs appeared on top of their head. The bright orbs were staff, and they were making a fireball barrage. The fireball barrage rained in an arc towards the village.

"Sawyer! Evacuate everyone from their houses, do you copy?!?" I said to Sawyer.

"Aye, Bell," Sawyer replied.

I charged my horse towards one of the cavalries while pulling the trigger of the machine gun. In the middle of this chaotic night, I should stop the fireball artillery before they burned the whole village to the ground.

The cavalry in front of me fell down to the ground, but the firing of fire artillery didn't stop yet. The previously dark night turned bright from the burning fire coming from the village. It was like raining fire there.

"Bell, what the fuck? It's fucking raining fire in here!" Sawyer shouted through the radio.

"Hold on, brother. I'm trying to find the source!" I said.

"Find it quicker, then! The houses started burning down!"

As I destroyed one cavalry charge, I noticed the arc of one fireball. A magician fired the spell from the staff, it flew in an arc before it landed on one of the roofs of the village and created a fire on the roof of the village.

The 200 rounds on my machine gun ran out. I dumped the plastic box and replaced it with another box of magazines as the horse kept moving to dodge the fire bombardment that the bandits used.


"Calm down, it isn't raining 80 mm mortars!" I said.

"They have 80 mm mortars?" Sawyer sarcastically commented.

I charged towards another cavalry to reduce the intensity of the fire bombardment on that village. However, as I charged the horse towards the horse, the order from the leaders changed. Instead of charging the village, they realized.

"Archers! Fire your arrows at the lone horse!" Someone gave a command.

The cavalry charged and changed its formation. It dissipated into a much larger area, making sure that suppressive fire would no longer be effective, even with my machine gun. With that dissipation, I noticed that the archers began firing their arrows.

I needed to retreat. I couldn't charge at the cavalry, or the archers would get me rather easily. I retreated back to the village while shooting my machine gun on top of the horse. Bloody hell, this would be hard.