The Healer

"Wait, who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Ilya Dubyana, I'm the healer of this village, well, before that bastard Lobus threw me out of this village for being disobedient," Ilya said.

"She's a former knight, too. However, she stayed in the backline as the body snatcher to catch the body of any fallen comrades," Sumia said.

"Why would you need to call me the body snatcher, Sumia?" Ilya commented.

Suddenly, someone came to the guild office. The other person was none other than our dear engineer, Sawyer. He returned quite quickly now, and I had to be honest, the machine gun boosted his firepower by a certain margin.

Sawyer walked to the door of the guild office and he stood right behind Ilya, overshadowing her. Of course, he hadn't known the blonde girl in front of her. However, I knew and told him to move a bit so he didn't overshadow her.

Of course, Sumia immediately went to the receptionist alongside Sawyer. It left only Ilya and me alone at the door. Ilya looked at me in suspicion, partially because I treated the patient and partially because I was holding my M16.

What's the matter with these knights? Why were they become suspicious because of the M16? You should be more suspicious of the MG4, it was a bigger gun with much bigger firepower with a lot of ammunition.

"So, you are the healer, eh?" Ilya said as she crossed her hands.

"What's with the behavior? Of course, I am the healer," I said, partially lying since I prefer to be called a doctor. It made me look like a shaman or something. I couldn't use magic whatsoever.

"What happened?" Ilya asked.

"Well, an attack happened, didn't you notice the number of dead horses and dead bodies outside?" I asked.

"Wait, it's all against this village? And you managed to hold them off?" Ilya was surprised.

"Yes, but they also burned the house down, so there's that. I couldn't say that the defense is entirely successful," I said.

"Fucking Lobus..." Ilya muttered.

I just nodded. Lobus must have been deeply hated in this village. What kept him in power, though? If the whole village disliked him, why didn't they just expel him a long time ago? It must be better for the whole village.

"Hey, you said your leg has an arrow on it, right? Can I help you? I can remove it," Ilya offered.

"HMMMM," I mumbled really loud. "Not that I don't trust you, I just don't trust your method."

The last time I sewed a wound in this world, I used thread for clothes, not surgery. And nope, that thread was made of bloody wool, I really feel bad for John, I should replace it if any complications arose.

Besides, the condition would certainly be septic, and healing that kind of deep wound in a septic environment would invite some nasty infections that I didn't even want to deal with. I'd rather operate on myself while being stoned with painkillers. At least, I could control the environment and used a method that I had already known.

The worst thing that could happen would be an internal infection that would require debridement and sustained usage of antibiotics. The debridement would be the equivalent of butchering your own legs.

"C'mon, I have done this a lot, I know what I'm doing," Ilya said confidently.

Should I really put the fate of my leg to this well-known healer in this village? My common sense really said I shouldn't have done it. However, if she was indeed successful, I would be really indebted to my ability to walk.

Suddenly, Sumia and Sawyer returned. Sawyer was carrying three black plates or 30,000 Arleum. It should be enough to purchase advanced medical equipment. Still, an IV bag would be the top priority of it all. The burn injury might require a skin graft in the future.

"Well, Ilya is one of the best healers this kingdom has, why don't you trust him, Alfie?" Sumia asked me.

"The Imperium Kingdom best healer?" I asked for confirmation.

"Not really? One of the finest among the knights, but I'm sure that removing an arrow would be easy," Ilya said.

I sighed. "Fine, but Sawyer, I want to give you an assignment. Buy 10 bags of Lactate Ringer 1,000 ml, 5 bags of the same thing, 6 Duoderm wound dressings, and lastly, 70% alcohol."

"Your request sounds oddly specific in my ear," Sawyer said.

"Because it's specific," I replied.

"Sure, anything else that you want?" Sawyer asked.

"A Carl Gustav M4 Recoilless Rifle, alongside ADM 401 ammunitions," I said.

"From medicines to weapons, that's quite something, but sure, I'll give it for you," Sawyer said.

I sat down on the ground. Ilya laid down a piece of clean white clothing on top of my left leg. That was where the arrow stabbed me right in the foot. Ilya observed the wound carefully, without any gloves, of course. Should I really trust this person? My common sense had been screaming right at me.

I watched as Ilya brought out tools from her leather backpack. I didn't have to tell you, but that thing was definitely not sterilized. My common sense had been screaming, "STOP THIS MADNESS!" However, I digressed. Let's say, I was a monkey of my own social experiment.

One, if this became successful, I would learn about the method and whatever she did with magic and gain more knowledge. Or the less preferable outcome, I could get an infection and I'd show her that she was an idiot.

She slowly opened my bandage as I gritted my teeth in pain. She didn't even try to anesthetize me first. She grabbed one of her scalpels and slit it across my foot. She made a hole around the arrow to pull the arrow out. She then pulled out the arrow.

I screamed in pain. She sutured the wound and applied a new bandage from her backpack. After that, a yellow glow appeared on top of her hands. It felt soothing to the wound.

"Done, it should be barely functional now," Ilya said.

I could move my leg, but the pain still lingered. Well, to hell with the pain, if I could run, then I could run. I thanked her for the assistance, albeit I wasn't sure that it would work well.

Sawyer returned to the guild office with the container that contained the requested medicines. I stood up and opened the containers. The packages of IV were lined up perfectly below the unopened wound dressing.

"Alfie, you ordered this, right?" Sawyer put the recoilless rifle on the ground.

The Carl Gustav M4. It was one of the main anti-vehicle weapons that the North American Federation used. It could be equipped with many different ammunition with different purposes. The launcher was currently loaded with an antipersonnel round.

"Nice," I picked up the launcher with my hands. This should come in handy for another defensive scenario or even an assault scenario.

I could put demolition rounds and fire it at a mansion, and boom, mission complete. No hassle, no more fighting through the mansion, no more dealing with mages, easy and simple.

Still, back to reality, I had to take care of my legs, and these villagers. They would be counting on me and Ilya. Right now, they would need me to make sure that they didn't get any more complications from their already complicated wounds.