200,000 Arleum Bounty

Got to be honest, the mansion was a fortress, even looking from that hill, the amount of guards made me wonder how many assassinations had been made to this person. The guards in front of the mansion were armored to its teeth. The plate armor that they were wearing was thick.

"I should have brought an M995," I said as I put the scope of my M16 to the guard from the nearby hill.

Nevertheless, the launcher on my back would obliterate the enemies into smaller pieces rather easily, so I shouldn't have any problem in killing that bloody Baron.

The baron was reading a book on a room, perhaps his working room. He was sitting right behind a window, which was barred using iron. Let's just say, he thought that an ordinary attacker would use an arrow to attack him. However, he got an extraordinary attacker now.

I lifted off my Carl Gustav M4 and put a demolition round into the launcher. I aimed the sight of my launcher at the window of that mansion. I aimed it right at the head of that person and held my breath. I checked the back area of my body, I didn't want to hurt the horse in any way.

I pressed the trigger of the launcher and the warhead flew away. The rocket launcher flew through the metal cage, destroying it and further destroy the whole room, leaving a large hole. Well, that was a recoilless launcher for you, it was quite strong to destroy a bunker.

The explosion grabbed the attention of every guard in the area. Now, I just needed evidence that the baron had been killed. Sadly, I'd need to gain access to the mansion in the midst of the chaos. Well, better to thin out the security first before I retrieved any remains of his body.

I loaded another round into the launcher and fired it off to the gate of the mansion for ease of access. The gate fell to the ground immediately, followed by a secondary explosion from the warhead. The explosion also killed the two guards in front of the gate.

"That ought to catch their attention," I muttered slowly.

I unloaded the empty casing and replaced it with new ammunition. I then put the launcher on my back. Time to commence the assault on the mansion, my hands were itchy. My horse would stay here, for safety reasons.

Before I ran towards the mansion, I better took care of the marksmen on the roof of the mansion. Those archers would prove to be a pain if I let them alive. I aimed my M16 at those archers and hit them one by one.

Slowly, each archer fell to the ground as I pulled the trigger and the rifle let out a 5.56 bullet out of its muzzle. Eventually, the roof was cleared from hostile, time to progress to the mansion.

The mansion was around 300 meters away from where I was standing. It would take me probably around two minutes to run towards the mansion. I dashed downhill with the heavyweight on my back.

I went past the gate and headed inside the mansion with M16 on my shoulder. My rule of engagement was simple, shoot to kill, anyone that held a weapon could be considered hostile. Simple, right? It would ensure my biggest chance of surviving as well.

"There's a fire on the 2nd floor!" Someone shouted.

The whole house became filled with smokes. I wore my gas mask to protect myself from the particulates as I climbed upstairs to retrieve a body part of the baron. So far, so good, I hadn't been spotted yet due to the smoke.

I arrived at the hallway of the second floor. The maids and butlers were throwing buckets of water into the fire. Should I kill them? They were innocent, but rules of engagement stated otherwise.

I pulled the trigger multiple times at the butlers and maids. All of them fell down to the ground with a hole on their heads. I reloaded my M16 with a new magazine. What a shame, the dead bodies on the ground were innocent, for the most part. Yet, I killed them.

I ran to the burning room. In front of the burning room, knights and magician tried to put the fire out. The magicians used their water magic to extinguish it while the knights helped by stomping on any burning thing. Well, I shot them all.

The whole magazine of 5.56 flew at their direction. Before they could react, bullets had filled their bodies and they fell down on the ground. I entered the burning room to retrieve any evidence. As expected, all I found was a burned demon sitting on the middle of a chair.

I grabbed my machete. The only thing that I could salvage was his eyes. Carefully, I slashed through his eye sockets to retrieve one of his eyeballs then I put it inside of my pocket. Well, that was quite easy.

I jumped down to the first floor through the hole that I created and ran to the gate. Before I arrived, a carriage was blocking the way, what a nuisance.


"Get the hell out of my way!" I lifted the launcher from my back and fired it at the carriage.

The carriage exploded into smaller pieces and killed the occupants alongside with everyone surrounding it. I ran through the ruble and headed back to my horse.

As I ran away, the fire got bigger an bigger. Eventually, it engulfed half of the mansion. Well, it might net a nice bonus at the end of the day. I got on top of my horse.

I observed my masterwork from afar. The burning mansion was an easy job for 200,000 Arleum and the eyeball on my pocket would help me get the money. Well, time to go back to the guild office to get my reward. Damn, what an easy money.