Disguised Slumber Portion

If only she meant those words. These were merely Derek's hopeful thoughts,but he knew there was no way possible for her to do so.

Maybe she thought she could effortlessly make a fool of him like this.

Had it come the time for her to get in his trouble?

Although he knew she was definitely up to no good, he wasn't particularly angry_ at least no more and not yet_ rather there was a strange throb racing his chest rythm. He was suddenly worried.

It was strange how the young woman could play with his emotions however she wished.

He'd never experienced his emotions being so unstable before; getting suddenly upset, light-hearted the next instant, going back to being pensive again and vice versa.

It was happening again right at that very moment and it had to be because of her again.

It were times like this that Derek desperately desired to see through her thoughts. If only he could do just that, he might then be able to fordo her scheme.