Devil on Her Tail

The cold air raised her hair on its end and numbed her knuckles which were clutched on her tattered dress. She had been in the cold for quite a while and the effect was a cutting raspy breath and a sharp pain below her chest. Her skin had also turned sickly pale.

Due to the misty air, the breeze was uncomfortably stiff and too damp, sight through the distance was cut short the nearer one approached.

Surrounded by the fog suspended just above the ground as though the clouds had fallen from the sky, Rain could still manage to make out the erect silhouette of the densely growing tall trees of old at the sides of the pathway.

Unlike the open, clear pathway she was running along, the thick forest she would be journeying through was still as dark as the night and cramped with plants and bushes.

Despite having come thus far successfully, Rain, nonetheless, had a persistent ominous instinct. That feeling that something bad would occur was still as strong as ever.