Leaving Dale City

Raphael emerged from the bathroom, the steam trailing him like a ghostly presence, dissipating as it met the cooler air of his bedroom. He had planned to rummage through his wardrobe, but there, laid out on his bed, were the day's clothes, meticulously selected by his mother.

He shook his head in mild disbelief before shrugging and stepping into the clothes. "Not bad," he murmured to his reflection in the full-length mirror.

His outfit was a modernist ensemble - white sneakers, black pants, a striking blue turtleneck sweater, and a navy-blue robe draped elegantly over his shoulders. His attire was completed with a solitary glove.

His lips curved into a smile as he studied his reflection. He didn't consider himself handsome, despite his mother's endless affirmations. His appeal was more of an acquired taste - not conventionally striking, but far from repugnant. His features were average, with his slim, somewhat lanky physique, peach-hued skin, untamed brown hair partially obscuring his face, and blue eyes that held a captivating sparkle.

"Let's go," he commanded, his voice breaking the tranquil silence. The blue owl, Gus, perched on a nearby stand, opened its eyes and fluttered to his shoulder, settling down with its eyes half-closed.

With a deep breath to steel himself for the day ahead, Raphael exited his room. His mother, Yvonne, was waiting in the hallway, her face lighting up at his arrival. "There's my handsome boy," she cooed affectionately.

"Good morning, Gus," Yvonne greeted the owl on Raphael's shoulder, and Gus responded with a dignified nod. "Breakfast is ready, Raphael," she added, leading the way to the dining room.

The sight that met him in the dining room caused Raphael's mouth to drop open. "Mom, are we expecting company?" he asked, taking in the lavish spread.

"Absolutely not. You're too thin, Raphael. You need to eat more," Yvonne retorted lightly, placing a plate of his favourite meal in front of him.

"Aren't you joining me? I can't possibly finish all this," Raphael protested.

"I've already eaten," Yvonne replied calmly, pointing to a used plate in the kitchen.

Raphael grinned as he spotted the buffalo wings, one of his favourite dishes. He wasted no time diving in, passing one to Gus who perched on his shoulder. They devoured the wings in record time, then proceeded to tackle the rest of the meal.

Throughout breakfast, Yvonne watched them with a fond, almost nostalgic smile. Once they were finished, she tenderly wiped the grease from the corner of Raphael's mouth. Then, standing on her toes to reach, she brushed and styled his unruly hair.

"You're destined to be a great superhero, Raphael," she declared, stepping back to admire her work.

"Superhero?" Raphael chuckled. "That's for millionaires, egomaniacs, and adult orphans. Hero is just fine, it has always been my dream to save the world."

Yvonne nodded, a tear glistening in her eye. "I know, Raphael. Ever since you were a little boy, you've wanted to save the world. And with you in it, the world will indeed be a better place."

The owl perched on Raphael's shoulder regarded the pair, mother and son, with a wise, almost human-like scrutiny. It shook its head, its feathery tufts trembling. Gus, the owl, seemed certain that Yvonne had misconstrued her son's true meaning when he had declared his lifelong ambition to save the world.

A car horn reverberated in the still morning air, BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! A sudden intrusion that pulled mother and son from their contemplative silence. Their eyes met, connecting in a deep, unspoken understanding.

"That must be my ride," Raphael conceded, his voice barely above a whisper. The idea of a quarrel with his mother over the academy had lost its appeal. If she wished him to attend, then he would.

Yvonne nodded, her gaze soft yet determined. "I understand you believe your place is here, with me," she began, "but there's a much larger world out there, full of wondrous things you'd miss. The world is beautiful, Raphael. Even if you never become a hero, I want you to be strong enough to protect yourself."

She pulled Raphael into a warm embrace, a mother's love enveloping him. Breaking away, she gently rustled Gus's feathers. Then, with a deep breath, she opened the front door.

"Just remember, keep taking your pills, mom," Raphael said, his tone firm as he reminded her about the medication. "And if you ever need anything, just say the word. Someone will come to help."

"Okay, my son," Yvonne answered, her voice barely more than a whisper. With a final nod, Raphael stepped out into the world.

Once outside, a chorus of well-wishes greeted him. "Good luck on the academy entrance exam!" "Best of luck, Raphael!" His first step beyond the threshold was met with the collective faces of the entire neighborhood, their expressions a strange mix of sadness and relief.

Raphael's brow furrowed. "Enough with the act," he stated, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. "I know you don't really care for me, so don't pretend otherwise."

His frankness took the crowd aback. His words rang true; while they didn't harbor affection for him, they didn't exactly dislike him either.

"I've lived here for over a decade," Raphael continued, his gaze sweeping across the faces. "I've taught you all some semblance of decency. It would be a shame if you reverted back to your old ways the moment I leave. Just remember, even when I'm not here, I'll have eyes on each one of you."

The residents of Dale City were all too familiar with the feeling of powerlessness, of being victims of discrimination. Yet, Raphael's influence over the years had been different, for better or worse.

A trembling voice broke the tense silence. "H-How could we forget everything you've done for us?" A middle-aged man stuttered, his face pale.

Raphael nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Good. And remember to pay your taxes. Even if I'm not around, I still expect those credit alerts."

An audible gasp rippled through the crowd. Their faces mirrored their panic. They had hoped that Raphael's departure would mean the end of their financial obligations to him and a chance to escape their debts.

Raphael hadn't raised a finger against any of them, yet his commanding presence was undeniable. Thus, when he declared his tax laws, they complied without question.

In the age of the supernatural, life was harsh for those without powers. Jobs were primarily reserved for those who possessed abilities, and despite the struggles of the powerless, governments still imposed taxes, asserting it was for improving their living conditions.

An empty promise, as their circumstances only grew more dire with each passing day due to government negligence.

Raphael, however, was different. Though he demanded thrice the government's tax rate, the people felt an undeniable improvement in their living conditions. This was why they didn't resent him.

He had mended the city's transformer, revitalized the city's agriculture, and provided countless resources that spurred the city's development.

"Raphael, the exam starts at ten, and it's already past eight. You should be on your way," Yvonne's voice cut through the quiet, breaking the tension.

Raphael locked eyes with the city dwellers for a moment before heading towards his vehicle. "Okay, mom, take good care of yourself, and remember what I told you."

"Remember, if you need anything, just ask!" The roar of the vehicle engine swallowed the end of his sentence as he stepped inside.

Yvonne, with a smile and a nod, waved goodbye to Raphael as the vehicle pulled away. She watched until it disappeared from her sight, then let a single tear escape. Clearing her throat, she offered a heartfelt smile to the onlookers before retreating into her home.


The journey from Dale City to the Hero Academy was significant, spanning at least an hour and a half by fast transport. On a slow day, it could take up to three hours.

The moment Raphael crossed the boundary into the city housing the academy, he couldn't suppress a sneer. The city was a stark contrast to Dale City in every conceivable way - architecture, infrastructure, economy.

Despite paying equal taxes, the government had grossly favored Taurus City, investing heavily in its development, while Dale City languished in neglect.

Taurus City was not only a metropolis teeming with metahumans; it also boasted one of the most prestigious hero academies globally.

"Good lord!... Gus, are you seeing this?" Raphael's face reflected his awe as he navigated the city, his companion Gus equally stunned.

This was their first venture outside Dale City, and the spectacular sights of Taurus City felt like stepping into paradise. The luminous lights accenting parks, buildings, and monuments were truly breathtaking.


The brusque honk of the vehicle horn snapped Raphael from his reverie as they pulled up to the academy's gates. He paid the driver with a handful of Noxus bills, his face still lit with a smile.

As he alighted, he noticed he wasn't alone. The area teemed with people disembarking from vehicles, their faces a mix of excitement and tension as they entered the academy. Today was the entrance exam for one of the world's premier hero academies, a significant event for many.

"Alright, let's get this over with," Raphael muttered, steeling himself as he stepped into the academy.