Villain Academy

"We've arrived," Serena announced, her voice echoing off the seemingly infinite expanse of water around them.

Raphael's response came as a raised eyebrow and a skeptical glance cast in her direction. As his gaze dropped, his body shivered with an involuntary tremor of fear. "What academy are you talking about? We're in the middle of the ocean!" His voice rang out strained and high-pitched, a stark contrast to his usually steady tone.

They hovered over the vast, rolling waves, their feet seemingly supported by nothing more than thin air. Though Raphael was physically stable, his acrophobia - the intense fear of heights - was making him feel anything but.

Serena, however, seemed to find amusement in his fear. A mischievous giggle escaped her lips. "You really can't see anything. Why don't you close your eyes, then open them again?" she suggested.

Raphael's face contorted in disbelief. "I won't do something like that," he retorted, shaking his head vehemently. His pride was the only thing keeping his fear from spilling out in panicked screams.

"Trust me," Serena coaxed, her eyes sparkling with a sense of adventure. "Would I bring you all this way just to harm you?"

Raphael's response was a noncommittal shrug, but after a moment's hesitation, he drew a deep breath and closed his eyes. The moment he opened them again, his breath hitched in his throat. "What the hell!"

Before him sprawled an enormous expanse of land, a full 800,000 square meters of it. He gaped at the sight, his mind struggling to comprehend how something so colossal could simply vanish from sight. His legs still shook, but now from awe as much as fear.

Serena's face was lit up with unabashed pride. "This is just the tip of the iceberg," she promised. "Wait till you step into the academy. It'll blow your mind."

Before he could respond, he found himself being propelled forward, the air under his feet acting as an invisible conveyor. His heart pounded in his chest as the wind whipped his hair and clothes into a frenzy. All the while, Serena laughed, seemingly oblivious to his terror.

When they finally landed in the center of the massive land, Raphael glared at Serena, his fear morphing into a simmering rage. But Serena simply shrugged it off. "It wasn't so bad. You'll get used to it," she assured him, chuckling at his expression. "Now, let's give you a tour of the academy before I show you to your dorm."

She strode off towards one of the impressive buildings, seemingly unconcerned by the curious glances from the students they passed.

Raphael and Gus trailed behind Serena, their gazes fixed upon the bustling crowd that populated the campus. The sight before them was nothing short of awe-inspiring—a true academy in every sense of the word. The students, dressed uniformly, caught their attention as they weaved through the throng.

Raphael's amazement overflowed, escaping his lips in an involuntary exclamation. "This really is an academy!" he whispered, his voice filled with wonder.

His eyes were drawn back to the students, their attire commanding attention and respect.

The male students, in particular, were adorned in a distinguished ensemble. A crisp white shirt formed the foundation, upon which a deep blue button-up blazer was meticulously tailored. The blazer seamlessly embraced their frames, exuding a sense of sophistication and purpose.

It was a harmonious pairing with the accompanying blue trousers, each crease a testament to the meticulous care taken in their appearance.

Completing the ensemble were polished black shoes, their luster reflecting the sunlight that danced upon the campus grounds. And of course, the students wore a distinctive long tie, a shade of blue that mirrored the hue of their blazers.

In the midst of this sea of uniformity, the female students graced the campus with their own distinctive elegance. Clad in garments that mirrored their male counterparts, they added a touch of femininity to the ensemble.

A pristine white shirt provided the foundation, a canvas for individuality to flourish. Adorning their upper bodies was the same resplendent blue button-up blazer, seamlessly blending grace and poise.

However, their lower halves showcased a subtle departure, as they opted for a white miniskirt that epitomized youthful energy and confidence. Black socks, varying in length from calf to thigh, embraced their legs, adding a touch of sophistication to their appearance. And just like their male counterparts, they too wore a long tie in the signature blue hue.

Raphael had initially doubted Serena's sincerity when she declared she was taking him to an academy. He had surmised it was simply a false front for the organization she worked for, a charade intended to pique his interest. Yet, standing amidst the sprawling academy complex, surrounded by state-of-the-art facilities, Raphael found his skepticism dissolving into a sense of child-like excitement.

Even Gus, his usually stoic companion, was visibly impressed.

Upon reaching a grand, imposing building, Serena paused, her gaze intense as she focused on Raphael.

"This is the administrative block. Should any issues arise during your time here, you can seek assistance from either this place or me directly," she instructed. Her eyes glinted with an unspoken challenge. "Though, I would prefer if you approached me first."

"I've already relayed your measurements to the uniform department. By tomorrow morning, your uniform should be delivered directly to your doorstep." Serena's smile was undimmed throughout her explanation.

The pride in her eyes suggested that bringing Raphael to the academy was among her greatest achievements.

"We must quicken our pace. There's much more to see." After giving Raphael a brief overview of the administrative block, Serena gently guided him away, leading him towards another building.

She began listing the other facilities as they walked, her voice musical, her enthusiasm infectious. "We have a cafeteria, library, gymnasium, a variety of clubs, a student council room, classrooms, dormitories, and even malls."

Struggling to keep up with the fast-paced Raphael, Serena's solution was to levitate both of them, allowing them to effortlessly hover above the ground.

They flew from building to building, Serena carefully explaining the purpose of each one. Despite his acrophobia, Raphael found himself enchanted by the aerial tour of the academy.

Before they knew it, two hours had drifted by since Raphael's arrival. There were still many structures left to explore when the sonorous toll of a bell echoed across the campus.

"We'll continue the tour another day. For now, I need to take you to your dormitory," Serena declared.

Raphael nodded in understanding, and Serena promptly whisked him off towards the male dormitory. As they travelled, a question bubbled up inside him. "Serena, what is the name of this academy?"

"It doesn't really have a name. But most refer to it as the 'villain academy.'" Serena's response was matter-of-fact.

Upon hearing the name, Raphael simply repeated it under his breath, his attention quickly returning to their surroundings.

Serena had expected some kind of reaction, but his face remained impassive. "I thought you'd react more to the academy's name," she mused aloud.

"It's irrelevant," he responded, his voice steady.

"Hero or villain, it doesn't matter to me. Both sides claim to be rebuilding the world, each convinced of their own righteousness. But the fact remains that as long as humans exist, so too does hurt and hatred. Peace will never bloom in a world where hate is deeply rooted."

Serena looked at him, her mouth slightly agape. It was a startling revelation coming from a boy of merely 15 years. "You're an odd one, Raphael," she muttered, her voice filled with a newfound respect.

The echo of three sharp knocks reverberated through the empty hallway, a punctuated staccato that hung in the air. Serena and Raphael had arrived at the door of a dormitory room. The first two knocks were met with silence. Only after the third resonated did the door creak.

Most student accommodations within the academy were modest, single rooms. But for Raphael, Serena had chosen a more spacious two-bedroom apartment.

The door swung open to reveal a teenage boy. His distinct appearance was striking - a waterfall of silver hair, finely arched eyebrows, and skin so smooth and flawless it would easily be mistaken for a woman's.

His lips parted to question the intrusive knocking, but upon seeing Serena, he abruptly fell silent. He then retreated hastily, leaving the door wide open.

Serena shook her head in mild exasperation, stepping into the room. "Well, there goes your peculiar roommate," she noted, glancing at the door that had been abruptly left open.

"Unfortunately, there's no one else suitable to pair you with at the academy," she continued, her tone matter-of-fact. "You're both outliers, after all. I'll leave you to settle in - I have other matters to attend to."

Raphael observed Serena, his curiosity piqued. "Are you one of the academy instructors?" he asked. The awe and respect he had seen in the eyes of others when they looked at Serena were unmistakable. It wasn't sheer attraction, despite her beauty; it was reverence.

Serena laughed, a hearty sound that echoed around the room. "Dumbass, I'm a student just like you. I'm just two years ahead - you should address me as senior sister," she corrected, her smile smug and proud.

"I see," Raphael mused, "so there's no strict age requirement to attend the academy." He remembered that most academies only accepted meta-humans between the age of 13 to 18.

Serena's smile faltered, her expression turning slightly hostile. "And just how old do you think I am?" The question hung in the air, loaded with danger.

Unfazed, Raphael ventured a guess. "23, 24, 25," he said, stroking his chin in thought. "If not, then late twenties or early thirties."

The room seemed to freeze. Serena glared at him, her eyes seething. "Screw you! I'm not even twenty yet," she spat out, her voice icy. She turned on her heel, exiting the room without a backward glance.

Raphael watched her go, a puzzled expression crossing his face. "I wonder why she's so angry," he mused aloud, "It's not like I called her fat or anything."